At the end of the tour of Auschwitz I, the tour guide told us how to get to Auschwitz II - Birkenau, for those of us who wanted to continue. For me, Birkenau was the whole point of going -- to Auschwitz; to Poland; and you could even say to Europe itself on that trip. About half of the tour group didn't get on the free shuttle bus, which was just as well.
After a short bus ride, we arrived at the other side of this gate building -- the most infamous symbol of the Holocaust.
Tags: Auschwitz Birkenau Auschwitz II - Birkenau Auschwitz 2 Oświeçim Poland Holocaust The Holocaust Shoah concentration camp death camp extermination camp labor camp World War Two WW2 rail tracks train tracks railway symbol symbolic building architecture Nazi Jews genocide persecution
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One of the few things I learned about Munich before I went there was that BMW was based there and that they had this cool-looking building. I didn't come home with a single good picture of it. This one was originally tilted 6 degrees to the right.
Eins der wenigen Dinge I erlernte über München, bevor ich dort war ging, dass BMW dort basierte und dass sie dieses kühl-schauende Gebäude hatten. Ich kam nach Hause nicht mit einer einzelnen guten Abbildung von ihr. Dieses wurde ursprünglich 6 Grad rechts gekippt.
Tags: BMW building headquarters Munich München Bavaria Germany Deutschland windows round logo symbol antenna city urban blue
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I decided to break chronological order and post this pic in the spirit of Halloween!
This is the first pic I posted to Flickr that was taken with my new Canon Rebel XSi. In several months, you'll start to see the rest of them :)
Tags: Pumpkin Halloween grass October fall autumn Toronto Ontario Canada fire hydrant car tree spruce leaf dead symbol SLR Canon Rebel Xsi 450D
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Tags: McDonald's golden arches M hockey cards back sign yellow light dark night drive through drive thru 24 food restaurant burger fast food chain corporation symbol logo employer fat sugar delicious cheeseburger McDumpy's McDick's McWorkers McJob Toronto Ontario Canon capitalism monopoly canada
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