Sea Vigil
Built 1991 / 50gt by David Abels Boatbuilders, Bristol
Survey vessel operated by the Environment Agency
Spotted off Woolwich Dockyard London on 5th March 2011
Tags: boat river thames UK woolwich dockyard stern sea vigil survey environment agency lowestoft David Abels Boatbuilders 1991
Sea Vigil
Built 1991 / 50gt by David Abels Boatbuilders, Bristol
Survey vessel operated by the Environment Agency
Spotted off Woolwich Dockyard London on 5th March 2011
Tags: boat river thames london woolwich dockyard sea vigil survey environment agency 1991 David Abels Boatbuilders
Spotted working on Tower Bridge London
Tags: caffre workboat london river thames tower bridge red boat
Tags: Malamute river thames london uk boat workboat lighterage
CPBS Marine Services Tug/Workboat
Tags: paul h tug bollard pull cpbs marine river thames london uk 2010 1990