Tags: london uk metropolitan police kenjonbro fuji hs10 trafalgar square whitehall westminster protest police officer march sw1 fujifilm finepix hs10 protest march Police Federation for England and Wales Protest March 10th May 2012
Tags: london uk metropolitan police kenjonbro fuji hs10 trafalgar square whitehall westminster protest police officer march sw1 fujifilm finepix hs10 protest march Police Federation for England and Wales Protest March 10th May 2012
Tags: london uk kenjonbro helicopter cctv fuji hs10 trafalgar square camera westminster filming g-skyn sky news hd recording sw1 fujifilm finepix hs10 protest march tv news
Tags: london uk female kenjonbro fuji hs10 trafalgar square whitehall photographer westminster protest march press sw1 fujifilm finepix hs10 protest march Police Federation for England and Wales Protest March 10th May 2012
Tags: london uk kenjonbro helicopter fuji hs10 trafalgar square whitehall photographer camera westminster protest march filming g-skyn sky news hd press recording sw1 fujifilm finepix hs10 protest march Police Federation for England and Wales Protest March 10th May 2012 tv news