The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) taken on 10/08/2010 from Western Massachusetts.
Telescope: AT80LE (80mm) Refractor
Camera: Modified Canon Rebel XSi (450d)
ISO 800
47 x 4 minutes exposure (188 minutes or 3 hrs 8 min.)
Processed in Deepsky Stacker and Photoshop
Tags: Andromeda Galaxy M31 Astrometrydotnet:version=14400 Astrometrydotnet:id=alpha-201112-30700248 Astrometrydotnet:status=solved Astrophotography
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M51- is a Spiral Galaxy (common name: The Whirlpool Galaxy) Located within the constellation Canes Venatici, M51 is found by following the eastern most star of the Big Dipper, Eta Ursae Majoris (Alkaid), and going 3.5° southeast Distance: 23 million light years from Earth, 38 million Light Years across (Companion galaxy NGC5195 is an elliptical galaxy
Taken 5/16/2010 from Western Massachusetts.
Telescope AT80LE (80mm) Refractor
Camera: Modified Canon Rebel XSi
70 x 0.5 minutes exposure (35 minutes)
Processed in Deepsky Stacker and Photoshop
Tags: M51 Galaxy Spiral Whirlpool Galaxy Astrophotography
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M51- is a Spiral Galaxy (common name: The Whirlpool Galaxy) Located within the constellation Canes Venatici, M51 is found by following the eastern most star of the Big Dipper, Eta Ursae Majoris (Alkaid), and going 3.5° southeast Distance: 23 million light years from Earth, 38 million Light Years across (Companion galaxy NGC5195 ) Supernova 2011dh is also visible.
Taken 7/1/2011
Telescope: AT8RC
Camera: modded Canon 450d, AT2FF, IDAS LSP2
Mount: Losmandy G11
Total Exposure: 15 minutes
Tags: M51 Whirlpool Galaxy Astrometrydotnet:version=14400 Astrometrydotnet:id=alpha-201112-89961620 Astrometrydotnet:status=solved Astrophotography
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The Pinwheel Galaxy (also known as Messier 101 or NGC 5457) is a face-on spiral galaxy distanced 21 million light-years from Earth in Ursa Major. At 170,000 light-years across it is 70% larger than our own Milky Way galaxy and has a disk mass of over 100 billion solar masses.
Taken: Feb. 21, 2012
Telescope: AT8RC at f/8 (0.68 arcsec/pixel) - FOV 28.6 x 37.9 arcmin
Mount: G11 w/ Gemini II
Camera: SBIG ST8300M @ -25C
Luminance 15 x 5min. bin 1x1
Red 9 x 5min. bin 1x1
Green 9 x 5 min. bin 1x1
Blue 9 x 5 min. bin 1x1
Exposure Time: 3.5 hours
Tags: M101 NGC5457 Pinwheel Astrometrydotnet:version=14400 Astrometrydotnet:id=alpha-201202-54547712 Astrometrydotnet:status=solved Astrophotography
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Messier 81 (also known as NGC 3031 or Bode's Galaxy) is a spiral galaxy about 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. M81 is about 95,000 light years across, just a little smaller than the Milky Way galaxy at 100,000 light years across.
Taken: Feb. 20, 2012
Telescope: AT8RC at f/8 (0.68 arcsec/pixel) - FOV 28.6 x 37.9 arcmin
Mount: G11 w/ Gemini II
Camera: SBIG ST8300M @ -25C
Luminance 13 x 5min. bin 1x1
Red 6 x 5min. bin 1x1
Green 6 x 5 min. bin 1x1
Blue 6 x 5 min. bin 1x1
Exposure Time: 2 hours & 35 minutes
Tags: M81 NGC 3031 Bode's Galaxy Astrometrydotnet:version=14400 Astrometrydotnet:id=alpha-201202-99197820 Astrometrydotnet:status=solved Astrophotography
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