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Kirk / 22 items

N 45 B 2.6K C 3 E Apr 23, 2012 F Apr 22, 2012
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NGC 4565 (also known as the Needle Galaxy or Caldwell 38) is an edge-on spiral galaxy about 30 to 50 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices.

Taken: April. 20, 2012
Telescope: AT8RC at f/8 (0.68 arcsec/pixel) - FOV: 36.26 x 27.33 arcminutes
Mount: G11 w/ Gemini II
Camera: SBIG ST8300M @ -10C
Luminance 15 x 5min. bin 1x1
Red 4 x 5min. bin 1x1
Green 4 x 5 min. bin 1x1
Blue 4 x 5 min. bin 1x1
Exposure Time: 2 hours & 15 minutes

Tags:   NGC4565 Needle Galaxy Caldwell 38 Astrometrydotnet:version=14400 Astrometrydotnet:id=alpha-201204-00235930 Astrometrydotnet:status=solved Astrophotography

N 132 B 4.8K C 6 E Nov 5, 2017 F Nov 5, 2017
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Object: The Triangulum Galaxy – M33 (2017)
(Messier 33 or NGC 598)
M33 is a spiral galaxy in our “local group” of galaxies and is located in the constellation of Triangulum. Located about 3000 light-years away it is the 3rd largest galaxy in our local group after Andromeda and our galaxy and is sometimes referred to as the pinwheel galaxy, a nickname is shares with M101. M33 contains about 40 billion stars, has a mass of 50 trillion solar masses and it about 50,000 light years across.

- Acquisition Date: 09/21/2017 to 09/25/2017
- Location: Chester, Nova Scotia Canada
- Camera: SBIG STF8300M @ -15°C
- Telescope: Telescope: Takahashi FSQ106EDX-III @f/5
- Mount: Astro-Physics AP1100
- Guide scope: Off Axis Guiding
- Guide Camera: Starlight Express Lodestar 2
-Luminance14 x 10 min. (140 min.)
-Red:11 x 10 min. (110 min.)
-Green:12 x 10 min. (120 min.)
-Blue:13 x 10 min. (130 min.)
Total Exposure: 500min. (8.3hr)

Tags:   Astrometrydotnet:id=nova2301069 Astrometrydotnet:status=solved Triangulum Galaxy M33 Astrophotography

N 82 B 3.7K C 3 E May 1, 2022 F May 4, 2022
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Object: Markarian’s Chain – 2022

Markarian's Chain is a grouping of galaxies that forms part of the Virgo Cluster. When viewed from Earth, the galaxies lie along a smoothly curved line. At least seven galaxies in the chain appear to move in concert, although others appear to be positioned by chance.

Near the center of the chain of there appear the pair of interacting galaxies NGC 4438 and NGC 4435, about 50 million light-years away, known to some as Markarian's Eyes or simply The Eyes

- Acquisition Date: 4/29/2022 – 5/01/2022
- Location: Western Massachusetts
- Camera: QHY600M-PH @ -10°C w/CFW2-7
- Telescope: Astro-TECH AT130 with APM Riccardi APO Flattener 1.0x
- Mount: Astro-Physics AP1100 w/GTO4
- Guide scope: Celestron Off Axis Guider
- Guide Camera: ASI174m mini

Astrodon Gen II E Filters
Luminance: 30 x 300 sec (150 min)
Red: 27 x 300 sec (135 min)
Green: 15 x 300 sec (75 min)
Blue: 27 x 300 sec (135 min)
Total Exposure: 495 min. (8.25hr)

Processed in Pixinsight 1.8.9 and Adobe PS5

Tags:   Astrophotography Markarian's Chain Virgo Cluster Astro-Tech AT130

N 52 B 5.3K C 12 E Dec 1, 2012 F Nov 22, 2012
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Object: The Andromeda Galaxy – M31 (2012)
(Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224)
A large spiral galaxy in our “local group” of galaxies named for the mythological princess Andromeda and located in the Constellation of Andromeda. The galaxy is estimated to be 2.5 million light years distant and is estimated to be 220,000 light years across with a halo weighing in at 1.23 trillion solar masses containing over a trillion suns within its boundaries.
Acquisition Date: 11/15/2012 – 11/19/2012
Camera: SBIG ST8300M @ -12°C
Telescope: Canon 200mm F2.8 L ULTRASONIC Lens
Mount: Losmandy G11 with Gemini II
Guidescope: ATLE80 80mm at f/4.8
Guide Camera: Orion SSAG with Televue TRF2008 0.8x reducer
-Luminance30 x 5 min. (150 min.)
-Red: 24 x 5 min. (120 min.)
-Green:24 x 5 min. (120 min.)
-Blue:24 x 5 min. (120 min.)

-Hydrogen Alpha (Ha): 12 x 5min. (60min.)
Total Exposure: 570min. (9.5hr)

Limiting Magnitude: 5.1
Comments: LRGB used with IDAS LP2 72mm light pollution filter.

Tags:   Andromeda Galaxy Messier 31 M31 NGC224 Astrometrydotnet:version=14400 Astrometrydotnet:id=alpha-201211-74182024 Astrometrydotnet:status=solved Astrophotography

N 36 B 3.3K C 3 E Dec 14, 2012 F Dec 17, 2012
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Object: The Triangulum Galaxy – M33 (2012)
(Messier 33 or NGC 598)
M33 is a spiral galaxy in our “local group” of galaxies and is located in the constellation of Triangulum. Located about 3000 light-years away it is the 3rd largest galaxy in our local group after Andromeda and our galaxy and is sometimes referred to as the pinwheel galaxy, a nickname is shares with M101. M33 contains about 40 billion stars, has a mass of 50 trillion solar masses and is about 50,000 light years across.

Acquisition Date: 12/14/2012
Camera: SBIG ST8300M @ -12°C
Telescope: Stellarvue SV105T (f/7)
Mount: Losmandy G11 with Gemini II
Guidescope: 50mm finder/guider
Guide Camera: Orion SSAG
-Luminance: 18 x 5 min. (90 min.)
-Red: 8 x 5 min. (40 min.)
-Green: 8 x 5 min. (40 min.)
-Blue: 8 x 5 min. (40 min.)
Total Exposure: 210min. (3.5hr)

Limiting Magnitude: 5.1
- LRGB done with IDAS LP2 48mm light pollution filter
- Stellarvue SFF7-21 field flattener.

Tags:   M33 Messier 33 NGC598 Triangulum Galaxy Astrometrydotnet:version=14400 Astrometrydotnet:id=alpha-201212-46889505 Astrometrydotnet:status=solved Astrophotography
