I actually missed this by a couple of days as I had a lot going on this weekend. Out of all of the musicians alive in the world right now, Montréal's Murray Lightburn is the most talented and underrated and The Dears have been one of my favorite bands since 2003. A great place to start in their records is No Cities Left but I also love Degeneration Street and Gang of Losers quite a bit. Even his solo stuff is amazing because his voice is absolutely phenomenal-it's just more stirpped down solo. Here's a link to my favorite Dears song, "The Death of all the Romance" :
"Lost in the Plot" is also phenomenal:
If there's any band where you are curious about what they sound like, I am telling you I give my highest recommendation to The Dears. Their music has saved my life many times.
**All photos are copyrighted.**