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User / kjdrill
Karl Drilling / 12,459 items

N 271 B 150.2K C 90 E Jun 22, 2006 F Jun 24, 2006
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Tags:   giant panda research station sdzoo san diego california zoo chinese endangered species china bear bears baby cub pandas su lin top-f25 f/v10 face scomp stevencolbert stephencolbert opinion memory permanent colbert oldglory wow cute fcawinner babyanimal world100F topf100 Giant Panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca animal 100+faves VosPlusBellesPhotos

N 313 B 50.3K C 95 E Jun 12, 2006 F Jun 19, 2006
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This is the very jubilant Su Lin at the Giant Panda research station in San Diego, California after finishing her delicious fruitsicle snack given to her by the zookeeper.

Tags:   giant panda research station sdzoo san diego zoo california chinese endangered species bear baby cub su lin china boo f/v10 top-f25 interestingness brigghteyes happy smile voila dancing cute cuteness sweet sweetness play belly kick hi leg frontview mouthopen f/v25 pandas bears adorable BRAVO ImpressedBeauty wow aww yoga pose scomp stevencolbert stephencolbert opinion memory permanent colbert oldglory fcawinner World100F topf100 animal 200+faves

N 273 B 54.1K C 107 E Jun 12, 2006 F Jun 13, 2006
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Baby panda Su Lin's flexibility is amazing! Bai Yun wins title of best mom in a landslide! blogs.sandiegozoo.org/2011/07/29/panda-wins-best-mom-title/

Tags:   giant panda research station sdzoo san diego zoo chinese endangered species baby cub china california bai yun su lin bears parent offspring upside down comical funny top-f25 interestingness pandas bear SpecAnimal cirque du soleil laughing AnimalKingdomElite head stand headstand scomp stevencolbert stephencolbert opinion memory permanent colbert oldglory wow NaturesFinest Zoology fcawinner World100F topf100 200+faves

N 317 B 87.2K C 94 E Jun 12, 2006 F Jun 13, 2006
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Tags:   giant panda research station sdzoo san diego zoo california chinese endangered species baby cub china su Lin bright eyes pandas bear bears top-f25 Splendiferous ABigFave animal

N 475 B 113.8K C 85 E May 22, 2006 F May 22, 2006
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She has reached the summit of the very leafy Chinese Elm Tree. The Mona Lisa of Panda shots.

Tags:   giant panda research station su lin cute cuteness sdzoo san diego zoo california chinese endangered species china fuzzy infant baby cub top-f25 pandas bear bears ScoreMe39 fface elm elevation scomp stevencolbert stephencolbert opinion memory permanent colbert oldglory AnAwesomeShot fcawinner World100F topf100 animal love

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