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User / kjdrill / Sets / 100,000 or more views
Karl Drilling / 5 items

N 271 B 150.2K C 90 E Jun 22, 2006 F Jun 24, 2006
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Tags:   giant panda research station sdzoo san diego california zoo chinese endangered species china bear bears baby cub pandas su lin top-f25 f/v10 face scomp stevencolbert stephencolbert opinion memory permanent colbert oldglory wow cute fcawinner babyanimal world100F topf100 Giant Panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca animal 100+faves VosPlusBellesPhotos

N 96 B 124.2K C 52 E Apr 5, 2007 F Apr 7, 2007
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Tags:   south african lions lion endangered species san diego wild animal park escondido california usa big cats cats exotic cats izu cubs dad ScoreMe45 Diamond Class Photographer flickrdiamond SpecAnimal FlickrBigCats 50+faves

N 631 B 117.4K C 204 E Sep 28, 2007 F Oct 8, 2007
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Vus'musi was the first offspring from a herd of Elephants in Africa that was saved from culling, mass killing, due to species overpopulation in the game preserve, and the impact of their natural, but destructive nature. Baby elephant "Impunga" seen sitting here on his big brother, was the third offspring from the saved Elephants, Khosi was the second elephant born. Recently a 4th baby elephant has joined this growing family at the San Diego Wild Animal Park preserve.
The swimming pool was being prepared for the African elephants and Impunga wanted to make sure Vus'musi joined in on the fun.

Tags:   SpecAnimal African baby elephant vus'musi impunga san diego wild animal park escondio california usa infant calf cute pose AnimalKingdomElite f/v10 GoldenPhotographer INSTANTFAVE UltimateShot babyanimal TheUnforgettablePictures thebestpicturegallery AnAwesomeShot MegaShot PlatinumHeartAward 500+faves Imagicland

N 475 B 113.8K C 85 E May 22, 2006 F May 22, 2006
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She has reached the summit of the very leafy Chinese Elm Tree. The Mona Lisa of Panda shots.

Tags:   giant panda research station su lin cute cuteness sdzoo san diego zoo california chinese endangered species china fuzzy infant baby cub top-f25 pandas bear bears ScoreMe39 fface elm elevation scomp stevencolbert stephencolbert opinion memory permanent colbert oldglory AnAwesomeShot fcawinner World100F topf100 animal love

N 128 B 103.7K C 71 E Jan 3, 2008 F Jun 4, 2008
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Tags:   8689a giant panda pandas bear china bears animal san diego zoo california usa endangered species baby cub zhen zhen climbing ABigFave f/v10 Its a Zoo Out There 50+faves
