While walking along the rim of Crater Lake near the Lodge, the lighting falling onto the dead tree there caught my eye. Composed this one up on the tripod and fired off the 30 second exposure to get the stars there as well.
I really liked the way this one turned out with the lighting and textures there on the tree. Shot this at 3200 ISO and also at 5000 ISO. This here is the 3200 ISO version.
Tags: Crater Lake National Park Crater Lake stars tree
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Here is the Main Lodge at Crater Lake. Originally opened in 1915, the historic Crater Lake Lodge sits along the southern edge of the rim of the large lake created in the crater of a volcano. It also sits a very high elevation there in Oregon ... so the stars were very bright and clear. The Milky Way was to my back for this image taken looking westward ... this was taken about an hour and a half past sunset.
Tags: Crater Lake National Park Oregon stars
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Silhouette of one of the dead trees along the rim of Crater Lake. It was a beautiful clear evening into night there along the lake and the nearby Lodge.
Crater Lake, Oregon
Tags: Crater Lake National Park stars
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As I exercised this morning I was watching Sam Neil explain the origins of our solar system on the Science Channel ...
I think this photo I took at Crater Lake with the tree silhouetted against the Milky Way is a good summary shot of the show, that explained how we all come from past exploding stars ...
f3.5 / 30s / ISO 3200
Tags: Crater Lake National Park Milky Way long exposure
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Here is another image taken there on the dark night at Crater Lake, Oregon. I showed this image to family members yesterday at a quick get together, and they were amazed at the colors and were asking what kind of filters I was using to get the sky color.
I explained that no filters are used for this shots, and that they are taken at high ISO for 30 seconds with the aperture wide open to capture as much light in the dark conditions there at the lake. Any longer than 30 seconds and the stars start moving too much. (would be cool to set this up on a equitorial mount with a motor to track the star movement and take at ISO 100 for 20 minutes)
The colors there in the lower part of the sky (orange and magentas, and then greens) must be from the thin atmosphere and the remaining light from the sunset, and/or from potential nearby towns (though Crater Lake is pretty remote).
f3.5 / 30 seconds / ISO 5000
Tags: Crater Lake Crater Lake National Park stars Milky Way
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