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User / l4ts / Sets / Scotland
25 items

N 2 B 1.1K C 8 E Jul 22, 2012 F Jul 22, 2012
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The first images - of an irregular series - of scans of old slides taken quite a while ago.
Looking down through the mist from the summit ridge of Stac Pollaidh towards the waters of Loch Lurgainn. July 1986.
Probably taken with a Rollei 35LED.

Tags:   slide scan landscape scotland ross & cromarty stac pollaidh loch lurgainn mist

N 0 B 1.0K C 3 E Jul 22, 2012 F Jul 22, 2012
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The first images - of an irregular series - of scans of old slides taken quite a while ago.
Looking across Loch Assynt to Quinag with its top hidden in the clouds. July 1986.
Probably taken with an Olympus OM4.

Tags:   slide scan landscape scotland sutherland quinag ardvreck castle loch assynt

N 4 B 907 C 5 E Sep 21, 2012 F Sep 21, 2012
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Suilven seen from Lochinver.
A scan from a slide originally taken in july 1986, camera: Olympus OM4.

Tags:   landscape scotland slide scan suilven sutherland lochinver boats cottages

N 1 B 574 C 3 E Sep 21, 2012 F Sep 21, 2012
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The pinnacled summit ridge of Stac Pollaidh in very misty conditions.
A scan from a slide originally taken in july 1986, camera: Rollei 35 LED.

Tags:   landscape scotland slide scan Stac Pollaidh ross & cromarty highlands low cloud

N 0 B 324 C 1 E Sep 21, 2012 F Sep 21, 2012
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A cloud-topped Suilven from Stac Pollaidh just before a rain shower came in to obliterate the view.
A scan from a slide originally taken in july 1986, camera: Olympus OM4.

Tags:   landscape scotland slide scan Stac Pollaidh ross & cromarty highlands low cloud lochans inverpolly national nature reserve
