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User / l4ts / Sets / Crow Stones
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The Crow Stones, a group of heavily weathered gritstone tors on the Howden Moors.

Tags:   Landscape Derbyshire peak district dark peak heather moorland

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Crow Stones on the Howden Moors in the early evening light.

Tags:   Landscape Derbyshire peak district dark peak upper derwent valley howden moors crow stones gritstone gritstone tors heather moorland evening light panorama

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Some of the distinctive gritstone tors of the Crow Stones on the Howden Moors. Taken just as the light was starting to improve.

Tags:   Landscape Derbyshire south yorkshire peak district dark peak howden moors upper derwent valley crow stones edge crow stones heather moorland gritstone gritstone tors panorama

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A group of gritstone tors on the Howden Moors in the Upper Derwent Valley.

Tags:   Landscape south yorkshire peak district Derbyshire howden moors crow stones gritstone gritstone edge gritstone tors heather moorland

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The wreckage of Airspeed Consul TF-RPM of Icelandic Airline which crashed 12th April 1951 on Crow Stone Edge. The aircraft was being ferried from Croydon to Iceland via Liverpool and Prestwick. The crew became disorientated in cloud and flew into the Howden Moors, all three on board were killed.
There's more information here on this excellent website: www.peakdistrictaircrashes.co.uk/crash_sites/peak-distric...

Tags:   Landscape Derbyshire peak district dark peak howden moors crow stones edge moorland heather aircraft wreckage icelandic airline
