Taken from the Hutt River Trail, a pair of common Rock Pigeons swoop in to join three friends for a Lunchtime catch-up session beside the Hutt River...
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As mentioned in my last post, my sister-in-law (who is married to Averil's oldest brother) has been diagnosed with cancer; she is in Waikato Hospital (Hamilton), and is undergoing major surgery as I write!
In the meantime, I'm 'baby-sitting' an elderly cat (Peewee - who is our cat) and who is a tad upset because Averil's away, and worse: there's a dog in the bedroom...! (Our youngest daughter's Labradoodle! Alf's family are currently in Kruger Park).
So for one reason or another, Life is just a tad demanding right now, but be assured: I will get to your photos...though probably not before the weekend...!
So in the meantime, thanks so much for your very kind and encouraging comments beneath this photo...! Your support is always greatly appreciated...!