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User / Leon.vanKemenade / What the Taking Lens Took
Leon Van Kemenade / 1,773 items
A few weeks back I posted a picture of the "Taking Lens" on my old Yashica C TLR camera which dates back to the late 50s. I mentioned that I was planning on going into London and shooting a roll or two with a friend of mine who owns a slightly more desirable Mamiya TLR.

My first roll of film with the Yash TLR, which I shot earlier this summer, was not a great success so I was determined to get something marginally more interesting on this outing. At least from that first roll I knew the camera worked.

This is a shot, or should i say two shots for it is actually a double exposure, from my fourth roll of film through that camera, my third roll of the day and the first time I put a colour film through it. It proves two things I think, one, the camera is capable of taking pleasing pictures, and second, that I still haven't mastered the technique. You see with a TLR you have to stay focussed on what you are doing or else you WILL screw up. There is a disconnect between cocking the shutter and winding the film on - i.e. if you forget to wind the film on you are still able to cock the shutter and shoot another shot. And if you haven't wound the film on you will be shooting on top of the last image you took. Sounds like it should be an easy thing to remember but trust me if you aren't used to it it is incredibly easy to screw up as the camera gives you no clues as to whether you've wound the film on or not.

So anyway, happy accidents as they say. Sometimes those screw ups can actually produce something quite interesting IMHO.
  • Views: 6397
  • Comments: 64
  • Favorites: 134
  • Taken: Nov 1, 2022
  • Uploaded: Nov 23, 2022
  • Updated: Jan 14, 2023