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User / Leon.vanKemenade / Sets / 2022_06_02 - Elizabeth Line
Leon Van Kemenade / 3 items

N 146 B 8.1K C 62 E Jun 2, 2022 F Dec 20, 2022
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There was a time a few months ago when I became obsessed with taking long exposure shots out of the train window as I travelled in and out of London. I guess you can consider it a kind of ICM but really it's the train movement that does all the heavy lifting for this kind of shot. Perhaps it should be called Intentional Train Movement photography. Anyway I have 30 or 40 of this type of image and I am always mesmerised by what comes out of the camera. You'd be surprised at just how little post processing this required - a little bit of contrast and clarity to punch it up and not much else.

Anyway, what you see here are the train tracks directly outside my train window and passing by at the top of the image is a train going in the opposite direction.

Taken at f/6.3 using an ND filter on my Olympus 25mm (50mm full frame equivalent) to get a .6 second shutter speed.

Tags:   Olympus OMD-EM1 Mk2 Olympus PRO 25mm f/1.2 train to London Bridge ITM Intentional Train Movement photography Trains Passing railway tracks ND filter

N 76 B 6.2K C 38 E Jun 2, 2022 F Dec 16, 2022
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Taken back in June in London Bridge underground station when her majesty was still with us.

Tags:   Olympus OMD-EM1 Mk2 OLYMPUS M.25mm F1.2 London Bridge underground her majesty the queen poster candid street photography purple royal f1.2 1/60 ISO800

N 226 B 6.3K C 97 E Jun 2, 2022 F Dec 30, 2022
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This is a picture of the escalators at the Canary Wharf underground station, which is part of the Jubilee line extension that was built in the 1990s and which was the last major underground rail project in London prior to the new Elizabeth line opening up in June 2022.

Both the Jubilee line extension and the Elizabeth line have been welcome additions to the rail transport system here in London. There is however one big difference between the two of them and that is the design of the stations. I was very much looking forward to the opening of the Elizabeth line, as I hoped they would provide as much innovative design as that which was shown in the Jubilee line extension stations.

The Jubilee line stations have provided unique and iconic photographic opportunities for photographers coming to visit London from all over the world. Here you have a shot of the amazing Canary Wharf escalators but also there are equally compelling photographic opportunities at Jubilee line stations at Southwark, Waterloo, and Westminster stations. All of them have unique elements to them that make them worthwhile to visit. The same can't be said for the Elizabeth line stations which from the ones I've visited are all of a uniform design consisting mostly of white tunnels. I know there are touches here and there which will make for a decent shot and I've got a few that I will post but honestly, how I wish they had let a few really visionary architects loose on at least a few of those new Elizabeth line stations.

C'est la vie, too late now.

Tags:   WPD23Objects Olympus E-M1MarkII OLYMPUS M.7-14mm F2.8 Canary Wharf underground escalators when design mattered iconic London sights
