I have two visiting hedgehogs, this is the smaller one who is amusing to watch and likes to bully the bigger one who is more docile. They tend to ignore the silly woman with the camera and don't mind a torch in their face and the flash of the camera but then their reward is mealworms and a cool drink.
Tags: Hedgehog Wildlife Summer Devon England
This pair of tortoises were copulating at the Temple of Apollo in Didyma. The male was squealing while the female looked a bit embarrased. In between mounting her, the male would ram her forward with his head, making a knocking sound on her shell, it was fairly comical and after getting our shots we left them to it.
Tags: Tortoise Turtle Didyma Turkey
Smaller than our native otters, Escot Park keep Eurasian otters as they are more lively during the day.
Tags: Otter Eurasian Otter Ottery St Mary Devon September Summer England
Red squirrel at Escot Park. So cute and tame, they were running up my trouser leg.
Tags: Red Squirrel Escot Park Ottery St Mary Devon England