I would really enjoy riding the bicycle, but I haven't been on it at all this month in Sunny Florida. On February 1st, we took my dad to the hospital with a serious fall. Today, marks the 20th day of this adventure in the hospital, and the good news is that he is well on the road to recovery and came home this morning! We are helping him to settle in and be more careful in his environment. In two weeks, he turns 97!
We are very happy to have him home, yet we are all TIRED! So, my T THOUGHTS is for bicycle TIRE but also about being TIRED! Good night!
Tags: tire T is for alphabet black / white happy thoughts There's no place like home! In Explore
Lampwork beads are handmade by blowing and shaping molten glass over and through a torch, using tools and hand movements to form amazing and intricate designs.
These are Silver Foil Lampwork Glass Twist Oval Beads
Tags: lampwork beads B is for beads blown glass blue alphabet
1. A is for artificial [Explored!], 2. B is for Blue Blown Beads, 3. C is for celery, cloves of garlic, and a cutting board!, 4. D is for Delicate Dish and Design, 5. flickr.com/photos/97651299@N00/49492926817/, 6. F is for Fun - Painting with Flowerette, 7. G is for Gauge, 8. H is for Honey bees, Hive, Honey [Explored], 9. I is for Inconceivable, 10. J is for juice, or is it juice?, 11. K is for Key...a heart shaped one, 12. L is for...... you guess??, 13. flickr.com/photos/97651299@N00/49531296591/, 14. N is for Nest, 15. O is for Oranges, 16. P is for Possessions, 17. Q is for... Quart Measurement, 18. R is for Retirement, 19. S is for Sanservierias (Snake Plant), 20. T is for Tire [Explored], 21. U is for Umbrella Plant, 22. V is for Vases, 23. W is for Wedding Anniversary, 24. X is for X-ray, 25. Y is for Yardstick [Explored], 26. Z is for Zirconia
I just get a big chuckle every time I look at this picture! I first saw the lady in black, as she broke a long food order line to get a cup of ice. I thought it so funny! This beach café is popular. These three people are in a world of their own. They brought their own table cloth, and maybe that's lemonade from home! They are playing a serious card game. And, the lady in black is keeping score for the game. She is likely in the lead, all the way around!
Certainly, these three people are enjoying retirement.
Tags: R is for alphablet retirement beach view What a Life
A very old silk flower that has been dusted and repotted in a beautiful green colored Greek vase. The golden light does wonders for this flower. Makes it look like sunshine rays.
Thank you, all, for the comments. It is an honor to see this picture made Flickr's Explore!
Tags: silk flower artificial A is for golden light In Explore alphabet