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Linda De Volder / 262 items

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Belgium. Meise.
National Botanic Garden.

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Tags:   Meise 06082011 geotagged Meise Belgium arboretum Meise plantentuin Jardin Botanique plantentuin National Botanic Garden Of Belgium Canon Powershotsx30 flower bee Linda De Volder 2011 Nationale Plantentuin Meise

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India. Arunachal Pradesh.
Silluk, Pasighat area (Mebo, East Siang District)

Dysdercus cingulatus.


Tags:   India Arunachal sevensisters bug coldblooded animal fauna nature macro close-up insect bokeh miridae Canon geotagged Pyrrhocoridae Dysdercus North East India Arunachal Pradesh VosPlusBellesPhotos Linda De Volder PowershotS5IS The Stupid Ass Collection The Magic Donkey rules 2008 7 Sisters

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Tags:   Paradisio zoo animal park Asteraceae Echinacea Echinacea purpurea Eastern purple coneflower Rode zonnehoed pink flower Belgium Bird park Brugelette Plant Flower Nature Flora plante planta bloem fleur flor Pink coldblooded animal Paradsisio animal park geotagged rose Linda De Volder Pairi Daiza Asterales bloom blossom

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Park of Laeken

The larva sheds it's skin one last time and changes into this immobile blob - the pupa. Inside the body dissolves into a soup and then starts reforming as an adult beetle. This process only takes about a week.

Tags:   Linda De Volder Belgium Brussels Laken Green Brussels park Nature Geotagged Panasonic Coccinella septempunctata Coccinellidae 2016 Ribbet green promenade groene wandeling promenade verte

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Belgium, Brussels.
't Moeraske, nature reserve.

From the entrance, in the Rue de la Perche (french) or Wipstraat (dutch) , it are the clumps of thyme and the wagtail that welcome you. Then, all along the path, between the embankment and the railway, willows, alders and locust trees fight every inch of the banks of the Kerkebeek. The stream is swarming with sticklebacks, great pond snails and dragonflies. On the borders, in the fallow, the viviparous lizard slaloms between the grass snake, the centaury and the yellow reseda. Further on, alongside the railway, the marsh is composed of a vegetation of helophyts and kingfishers. From the top of the embankment, accessible by stairs, we can see the marsh and at the far end, a rose garden. The Moeraske is located in Evere between the training station of Schaerbeek, the park of the Bon Pasteur and the Sint-Vincent church.
The speckled bush-cricket (Leptophyes punctatissima) is a flightless species of bush-cricket that occurs across most of Europe.

Tags:   Linda De Volder Europe Brussels Moeraske Zennevallei ecology Canon PowershotSX40 nature reserve green zone 2013 insect macro
