© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved
Posed street portrait taken for my 100 Strangers project in Glasgow, Scotland.
This picture is #56 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the
100 Strangers Flickr Group page
I saw this guy across the road looking very dapper and made a decision to ask for a portrait instead of going for a candid capture. I approached Eddy after he crossed the street and asked him if I could make a portrait for him, letting him know that I thought he looked very stylish. Eddy was happy to take part but looked a little uncomfortable being photographer on the busy street - I kept the encounter brief and didn't relocate for the shot.
I had just switched to my 50mm f/1.4 lens and decided to keep that for the portrait and got close in for a tight head and shoulders shot, I love the result. Captured with natural light only and colour calibrated with the Xrite Colorchecker Passport from a shot I made in the same light a few moments before.
I have sent my edited shots to Eddy and hope that he likes them. I am very grateful for the few moments he shared for the shoot and every shot in this project helps to build confidence and portraiture skills. Enjoy!