© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved
Street photography from Glasgow, Scotland.
Previously unpublished shot from February 7th 2020. By this time in the year most people would have been aware of the pandemic making it's way to the UK. I had seen it coming from mid January and was trying to capture as many shots as I could while I could - I knew that it would not be safe for long.
The pandemic is far from over. Hospitalisations are rising rapidly, with a lead start in Scotland sadly, and worryingly the rises are being seen in older people and those who are vulnerable. It's almost as if vaccine immunity is waning - who could have foreseen that! (/sarcasm)
We are averaging between 130-250 deaths per day where Covid is mentioned on the death certificate (this means that it is the cause or a contributory factor). This is far in excess of that you would expect with season flu. Consider that the best guess from latest ZOE study figures is that 1 in 18 are infected in Scotland just now and 10-30% will suffer long Covid. The long lasting morbidity burden is starting to dawn on Governments and people around the world who had not given it a thought previously. Covid is NOT a respiratory disease. It spreads through aerosols entering into the respiratory tract and mucous membranes but it directly affects the cardiovascular endothelium, platelet action and neurotransmission. It is a deeply nasty virus. This is a virus of blood clots - in your brain, heart, lungs and other internal organs. Risking infection just is not worth it.
Stay safe my Flickr friends. FFP2 or FFP3 masks in enclosed spaces, ventilate, isolate if infected and, lastly, wash you hands often.
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