© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved
Landscape on the Isle of Skye, Scotland.
It was difficult to get a 'special' shot of this amazing place on such a dull overcast day so I decided to scale a hillock and include some people in the shot for scale.
The Fairy Glen is so named for the simple reason that the area looks a little unearthly. It has nothing to do with fairies, or so they say... It's like a Quirang landslip but in miniature. The heavily worn path on left of frame climbs a little to a basalt topping of the tallest of the outcrops just here. A great vantage point I am sure but, sadly, my ankle wouldn't take the gradient. The spiral of stones is a tourist creation that the locals keep clearing away to try to keep the area as natural as possible.
I imagine in beautiful light the place looks extra magical but, under these clouds, I didn't feel like taking too many shots. I just wanted to sit upon the damp grass and soak in the peace and atmosphere of the Fairy Glen.
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