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User / Leanne Boulton / Stranger 90/100 'Lorna'
Leanne Boulton / 7,560 items
© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Posed 'stranger' portrait taken for my 100 Strangers project in Troon, Scotland.

This picture is #90 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

It has been 3.5 years since my last portrait for the 100 Strangers project thanks to the pandemic, my injuries and my ongoing PTSD. This one came quite out of the blue, or out of the "deep blue" if you like.

I had made my 2nd trip out with my camera for April, after not taking a single shot in March, and headed down to the beach for sunset. It was much calmer than previously so while there were no kiteboarders soaring, there were a handful of people enjoying a sunset kayak as the tide rolled in.

I was snapping away at the sunset and silhouettes of the kayaks as Lorna paddled ashore capturing the same scene with her mobile phone. She said that we were probably capturing the same thing and that I was doing a better job of it with my camera. Which I refuted, naturally, being a 'people' photographer and out of my depth with landscapes.

After a brief chat and learning that she was part of the Troon Water Sports Hub, which will be getting a brand new facility on the seafront soon, I asked Lorna if she would like a portrait and briefly explained the 100 Stranger project and that I would want to share the shot online. Lorna was happy to and I had to work quickly as the light was disappearing.

Lorna and her fellow kayaker wanted her to pose in front of the sunset but without a flash to light them it would have just been a silhouette shot. I naturally opted to pose Lorna along the shorefront and decided to ensure part of the kayak, and paddle, were in the frame for context. Asking Lorna to angle the paddle to fit in the frame and find the last remnants of sunlight.

In the low light and with no means of reflecting or creating light, I managed to get one shot that I am happy with and I hope that Lorna will be happy with it when I send it to her. I am very much out of practice after such a long time.

My thanks to Lorna for agreeing to a portrait and for approaching me for some photography small talk beforehand.
I have not told you all of the cause or triggers of my PTSD but suffice to say I would not have instigated this stranger portrait had Lorna not approached me first. It took a monumental effort to just hold ground for a conversation and gather the courage to ask. So much so that I had the 'adrenaline rush' come-down when I got home as my legs buckled like lead.

Complex PTSD sucks and the recovery will be a long process with forward steps but many backwards ones too. There is no cure or complete recovery either. I have to work on combating the C-PTSD every single day, leaning to live with and manage the symptoms. Thank you all so much for continuing to support my photography through this process. It means the world to me that you all care and don't mind all of the older shots and re-edits I publish in the meantime.

This new portrait is a step in the right direction for now and of course I hope to continue that trend. No guarantees though.

Take care my Flickr friends and thank you.
  • Views: 12784
  • Comments: 88
  • Favorites: 257
  • Taken: Apr 17, 2024
  • Uploaded: Apr 18, 2024
  • Updated: Jun 16, 2024