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User / Leanne Boulton / Crumbling [Sorry]
Leanne Boulton / 7,566 items
© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Captured in April 2022 during a local walkabout with my camera in East Kilbride, Scotland.

My life is unravelling fast. My health deteriorated, my PTSD worsened and now some devastating news yesterday that removes my safety, security and wonderful beach walks.

I have been dealt with blow after blow throughout my life. I overcame them all. This time I am completely empty. I have no resilience left. I can barely take care of myself at times. I can hardly even leave the house or answer the door at times.

I don't know how I cope with this.

I lost my beloved career, my physical health, my mental health, my friends, my cats Kitteh and Jasper, my dad, my mum, my independence, my mobility, my ability to cope with anything going slightly wrong and now I have lost my partner. My home by the beach will soon follow. 20 years... 20 years. Gone.

I need a safe space to cope with my PTSD. I don't have a safe space.

I don't know how to survive this. I have nothing left. 300 miles away from my family. No friends nearby. I have nothing.

I am sorry to pour my heart out to you all but I wanted to let you all know what is going on because you have all been so kind to me.
Your support has been incredible throughout my photography journey. I can't begin to thank you all enough for that. You have warmed my heart deep down over and over again. You deserve honesty if I am unable to post any more photographs.

Take care of yourselves and each other. I'm done.
  • Views: 7685
  • Comments: 75
  • Favorites: 155
  • Taken: Apr 1, 2022
  • Uploaded: May 3, 2024
  • Updated: May 8, 2024