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User / Leanne Boulton / The Rise of Fascism
Leanne Boulton / 7,560 items
© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Street and social documentary photography from Glasgow, Scotland.

Captured in July 2018 where a group of far right fascists were holding a demonstration and a much larger group opposing them had gathered as a counter-protest.

I am absolutely appalled at the scenes that I have seen across media and social media channels of the far right riots and racist hate in cities around England.

Yes they are far right racist thugs. People of colour have been targeted specifically. Pulled from their cars, hounded and beaten on the streets by a mob, roadblocked and prevented from driving on their way. Two hotels housing asylum seekers were set alight. Arson with intent to endanger life. I have seen swastika tattoos, Nazi salutes and heard racist chants. They even burned a library. Nazis like burning books. Stones were thrown at Filipino nurses on their way to cover emergency shifts.

I have seen this described as 'anti-immigration protest' but these people are only concerned about immigration from non-white countries. That's racism. Call it what it is.

It's sickening. This is regression of society and social media has played a huge role in this. The algorithms that value engagement lend themselves to divisive issues being promoted. The algorithms lend themselves to creating echo chambers for extremism. Some social media channels have almost no moderation anymore either and are actively pushing far right ideology in the name of 'freedom of speech'.

I am ashamed to be English. I am ashamed to be British. I am ashamed for the whole nation.

This is a small but vocal and violent group. If we, everyone else, do not stand up against them then we become complicit. If we do not rise up and show love, compassion and care to our communities, our whole inclusive communities, then we are complicit.

The parallels to 1930s Germany are terrifying. It started with the 'othering' of minorities, the scapegoating of racial groups and our politicians and mainstream media have been complicit in platforming and normalising far right fascist views. We are witnessing pogroms on our streets.

Immigration and multi-culturalism enriches us.
Our cultures and identities do not get lost, they get celebrated and shared.

We are one single species, among millions of others, trying to survive on a tiny oasis in the vastness of space.

My politics are irrelevant. I simply care about people. I have empathy. I have compassion. I want humanity so survive and I want it to do so peacefully without hate.

Share love. Share compassion. Share peace.

Care and take care.
  • Views: 9760
  • Comments: 53
  • Favorites: 168
  • Taken: Jul 21, 2018
  • Uploaded: Aug 5, 2024
  • Updated: Jan 30, 2025