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© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Street photography from Glasgow, Scotland.

Black and white re-edit of a shot captured in August 2016.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend of photography my Flickr friends. Thank you for your generous donations to help keep me online over the coming months in temporary accommodation. I am deeply grateful.

Stay safe and keep the shutters clicking.

Tags:   Leanne Boulton streetphoto people outdoors b&w urban street candid portrait street photography candid street photography candid portrait street portrait street life street shot candid photography candid moment composition column architecture scale woman girl pretty face eyes expression mood feeling atmosphere sitting steps sunlight shadow contrast thinking pensive patience waiting summer sandstone tone detail natural light outside available light Canon Canon 7D Canon EOS 7D 50mm Sigma Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 EX DC OS HSM black white black&white mono black and white monochrome Glasgow Scotland UK Gallery of Modern Art GoMA United Kingdom Great Britain Britain summertime sunshine beauty beautiful bwphoto bwphotography

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© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Street photography from Edinburgh, Scotland.

Colour re-edit of a shot captured in August 2017.

He was not impressed with my capture despite striding through the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, with hundreds of cameras snapping away, but no words were spoken.

The lead eye is slightly out of focus as he leant forward to point in the split second between focusing and capture. Such a dramatic image though and I hope that you enjoy the colour version.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend of photography my Flickr friends. Thank you for your generous donations to help keep me online over the coming months in temporary accommodation. I am deeply grateful.

Take care and take photos!

Tags:   Leanne Boulton people streetphoto red emotion #YBS24Urban #YBS24ThroughHerLens

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© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Street photography from Glasgow, Scotland.

Previously unpublished archive shot from July 2018.

While I am in a place and living with a condition that makes it incredibly difficult to see anything positive for now or the future, your warmth, support and kind words of care and optimism are very dearly appreciated.

I am also grateful for the donations given to help cover my costs to remain online while I will be in temporary accommodation. It is a great help and if I am unable to thank you personally, please know that I am deeply thankful for your generosity.

Take care everyone.

Tags:   Leanne Boulton people streetphoto Scotland sunglasses urban street candid portrait portraiture street photography candid street photography candid portrait street portrait street life street shot candid photography candid moment photography young woman girl face eyes expression mood feeling rose-tinted glasses glasses rose-tinted optimistic wind windy breezy weather walking style tone detail depth of field bokeh natural light outdoors outside city scene human life living humanity society culture lifestyle Canon Canon 5D Mk III Canon EOS 5D Mark III 70mm EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM colour Glasgow UK United Kingdom Great Britain Britain Argyle Street uplifting city centre pedestrian

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© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Street photography from Glasgow, Scotland.

Previously unpublished archive shot from July 2019.

I am incredibly grateful for the donations to help me cover the costs of staying online while I will be in temporary accommodation.

I am incredibly grateful too for your kind thoughts and wishes during this difficult time.

If you want to buy me a coffee or donate to help keep me online to share my photography, you can do so here.

Take care everyone.

Tags:   Leanne Boulton people streetphoto Scotland Monday urban street candid portrait portraiture street photography candid street photography candid portrait street portrait street life street shot candid photography candid moment woman lady face eyes expression mood emotion feeling atmosphere emotional sadness sad misery melancholy one of those days fluffy coat fur familiar feeling tone detail depth of field bokeh natural light outdoors outside city scene human life living humanity society culture lifestyle Canon Canon 5D Mk III 70mm EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM black white black&white b&w mono black and white monochrome Glasgow UK United Kingdom Great Britain Britain Argyle Street monochromatic bwphoto bwphotography

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© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Street photography from Glasgow, Scotland.

Previously unpublished shot from July 2019.

My life, as you know, has turned into quite a personal horror story for me over the past few months and that comes on top of the much longer slow-burning horror of living with C-PTSD.

Some of you have expressed a wish to help, financially, through this difficult time.
I have been reluctant to make the means available because I don't want to appear to be begging for help.

My thoughts are changed somewhat by something I was told today. That I share my "extraordinary" work here and that I enjoy encouraging and receiving encouragement from others. That perhaps there are many people here that would like to continue to see my photographs and help me to continue to share them.

When I am able I will obviously consider ways and means to rebuild my photography career from it's 2019 "pre-pandemic" peak. In the meantime I face costs that I can ill-afford just to maintain my love of photography. The biggest crux being expensive Internet options while I am in temporary accommodation.

With this in mind I have created a "Donate" function through PayPal.

You are not paying for a service or product. I guarantee nothing other than the promise that your donations will be used for my photography - to keep me online, to allow me to take new work, edit old work and to share it with you.

I don't expect you to donate and I will not favour those that do donate over those that do not.

Any donations, however large or small, will be very gratefully received. Please know, however, that I am equally grateful just to know that you care and that I am in your thoughts. You can donate with the link below:


Take care my Flickr friends.

Tags:   Leanne Boulton people streetphoto Scotland horror urban street candid portrait street photography candid street photography candid portrait street portrait street life streetshot candid moment candid photography Dutch Angle woman girl brunette reading sitting bench book horror story novel fiction tattoo mystery tone detail depth of field natural light outdoors outside bokeh city scene human life living humanity society culture lifestyle paper analogue Canon Canon 5D Mk III Canon EOS 5D Mark III 70mm EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM black white black&white b&w mono black and white monochrome Glasgow UK United Kingdom Great Britain Britain summer monochromatic bwphotography bwphoto George Square
