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User / Lon&Queta / Sets
91 items

Uganda 1995
288 photos
Uganda was one of the more interesting and in some ways difficult places to travel. Transportation was challenging. These are old photos from about 3 years we were traveling mostly in Asia and...

People in Uganda 1995
190 photos
The people of Uganda were very fun and always interesting. We loved our time there. Uganda was one of the more interesting and in some ways difficult places to travel. Transportation was...

Malaysia 1994
77 photos
Old photos from a trip we went on to Asia and Africa between 1994 and 1996. It was rustic and so were we. Many of the photos are not of very high quality, but we share them with you with our...

People in Malaysia
48 photos
Old photos from a trip we went on to Asia and Africa between 1994 and 1996. It was rustic and so were we. Many of the photos are not of very high quality, but we share them with you with our...

People in Indonesia 1994
197 photos
Old photos from a trip we went on to Asia and Africa between 1994 and 1996. It was rustic and so were we. Many of the photos are not of very high quality, but we share them with you with our...

Indonesia 1994
307 photos
Old photos from a trip we went on to Asia and Africa between 1994 and 1996. It was rustic and so were we. Many of the photos are not of very high quality, but we share them with you with our...

Madagascar 1995
346 photos
These are photos from a 3 year trip we made backpacking and traveling by bicycle or whatever moved on a budget of almost nothing. These are scans, from photos made long before we had anything like a...

People in Africa
530 photos
These are photos from a 3 year trip we made backpacking and traveling by bicycle or whatever moved on a budget of almost nothing. These are scans, from photos made long before we had anything like a...

Africa 1995-1996
754 photos
These are photos from a 3 year trip we made backpacking and traveling by bicycle or whatever moved on a budget of almost nothing. These are scans, from photos made long before we had anything like a...

Mozambique 1995
130 photos
These are photos from a 3 year trip we made backpacking and traveling by bicycle or whatever moved on a budget of almost nothing. These are scans, from photos made long before we had anything like a...

Madre Naturaleza - Natureza Mãe - Mother Nature
3011 photos
Any help in naming things you see here or making corrections are most welcome and greatly appreciated. Cualquier ayuda para nombrar las cosas que usted ve aquí o hacer correcciones son bienvenidos...

Beautiful Women & Girls Everywhere - Mujeres (con...
750 photos
These sets contain photos of beautiful women and girls of all ages - Estas fotos son de mujeres y muchachas bonitas de todas las edades.

Retratos - Portraits (all, in random order)
2553 photos
Retratos de todo el mundo - Gracias a todos! Portraits of everyone anywhere. Thank you everybody!

Beautiful Women and Girls Everywhere - Mujeres...
195 photos

Favoritas - Favorites
829 photos

Beautiful Women and Girls Everywhere - Mujeres...
186 photos

Guatemala 2007 (all)
540 photos
Fotos de nuestro viaje a Centro América en 2007

Honduras 2007
219 photos

Nicaragua 2007
360 photos

Panamá 2007
687 photos
Fotos de un viaje que hicimos por Centroamérica en 2007. Nos encantó Panamá - su gente son muy alegres, abiertos y siempre amables. Sus parque son de los más mejores en todo el mundo. Estamos muy...

Mexico 2006-2007
1298 photos
Fotos de Mexico tomadas en 2006 - 2007. No todas las localizaciones de GPS son exactas. Estas fotos están dedicadas a toda la gente tan noble de México, que son sin duda de lo mas amables,...

El Salvador 2007
176 photos
Estas fotos son de un viaje que hicimos por Centroamérica en 2007. El Salvador es un pais muy interesante con gente sumamente amistosa. Es un pais bastante poblado comparado con su tamaño y los...

Vietnam 1995
314 photos
These are photos from a trip to Asia and Africa that we took 1994-1996, partly on bicycle. It was an interesting time in Vietnam, and everyone was extremely friendly. We tried to limit ourselves to 7...

Yunnan, China 1995
154 photos
These are photos from a trip to Asia and Africa that we took 1994-1996, partly on bicycle. Yunnan was beautiful and totally surprised us, everyone was so friendly, inviting us to eat or giving us...

Philippines 1994
114 photos
The Philippines was the first place we went on a 3 year trip in Asia and Africa from 1994-1996. It's a beautiful place, with real friendly people. For snorkeling, Palawan is hard to beat. These...

Brazil 2004
682 photos
These are from a trip we made to the Amazonas in Brazil in 2004. The people of Brazil are some of the most friendly, open and wonderful we've ever met. These were taken with a fairly primitive...

Bolivia 2004
386 photos
Bolivia es un país lleno de bellezas naturales y humanas. Estas fotografías son de un viaje a Bolivia en 2004. Los Bolivianos son gente extraordinaria - agradables, atentos, y muy honestos. Sus...

Costa Rica 2007
181 photos
Fotos de un viaje por Centro América en 2007. Any help in naming things you see here or making corrections are most welcome and greatly appreciated. Cualquier ayuda para nombrar las cosas que...

36 photos

239 photos

1919 photos
Mostly from around our home in the San Pedro Valley, SE Arizona, part of the Sonoran Desert.

175 photos

Southern Utah
387 photos

New Mexico
159 photos

21 photos

9 photos

Western USA
30 photos

Gente en Nicaragua - People in Nicaragua
251 photos
Retratos de personas en Nicaragua - Portraits of people in Nicaragua

Gente en Honduras - People in Honduras
139 photos

Gente en Guatemala - People in Guatemala
412 photos
Retratos de personas en Guatemala - Portraits of people in Guatemala; 2007

Gente en Costa Rica - People in Costa Rica
12 photos
Retratos de personas en Costa Rica - Portraits of people in Costa Rica, 2007

People in VietNam - Gente en VietNam
254 photos
Portraits of people in VietNam - Retratos de personas en VietNam, 1995

People in Yunnan, China
131 photos
Portraits of people in Yunnan, PR of China - Retratos de personas en Yunnan, China; 1995

People in the Philippines - Gente en las Filipinas
66 photos
Photos of people in the Philippines - Retratos de personas en las Filipinas, 1994

Gente en Bolivia - People in Bolivia
73 photos
Fotografias de un viaje a Bolivia en 2004. Los Bolivianos son gente extraordinaria - agradables, atentos, y muy honestos. Sus mujeres son muy bonitas y todos los bolivianos son muy trabajadores.

Gente en Brasil - People in Brazil
329 photos
These are from a trip we made to the Amazonas in Brazil in 2004. The people of Brazil are some of the most friendly, open and wonderful we've ever met. These were taken with a fairly primitive...

Gente en Mexico - People in Mexico
463 photos
Retratos de personas en Mexico - Photos of people in Mexico

Gente en Panamá - People in Panama
194 photos
Retratos de personas en Panamá - Photos of people in Panama, 2007

Gente en El Salvador - People in El Salvador
136 photos

People in Arizona & US
56 photos

Desert - Desierto
1054 photos
Nature photos from USA - mostly of the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, but there are some others too! Fotos de la nautraleza en los Estados Unidos, la mayoria del Desierto de Sonora en Arizona, con...

Latin American Rain Forest - Selva
633 photos
Fotos de la naturaleza en América Latina (no todas son de la selva...) Nature photos from South and Central America and Mexico (they're not all really from the rain forest...) Any help in naming...

Asian Nature - Naturaleza en Asia
19 photos
Nature photos in Asia. Fotos de la naturaleza en Asia.

Plants & Flowers - Plantas y Flores
1212 photos
Any help in naming things you see here or making corrections are most welcome and greatly appreciated. Cualquier ayuda para nombrar las cosas que usted ve aquí o hacer correcciones son bienvenidos...

Animals - Animales
1302 photos
Nature photos of Animals - Fotos de animales en la naturaleza. Any help in naming things you see here or making corrections are most welcome and greatly appreciated. Cualquier ayuda para nombrar...

611 photos
Any help in finding correct names is always appreciated! Se agradecerá su ayuda con la identificación de los insectos!

Grasshoppers & other Orthopteras
145 photos
Grasshoppers and other orthopteras! I never imagined they could be so beautiful or interesting. Feel free to add comments or any help with identification! I apologize for any wrong identifications...

91 photos
Beetles - so amazing! I hope I haven't mis-identified too many of these. Please feel free to add corrections and any other information. Thanks!

True Bugs - Hemiptera
77 photos
Bugs - bugs and more bugs. They have to be some of the most interesting insects. I am not an expert, and some of these may be incorrectly identified. Please add feel free to add any comments - and...

Beautiful Women and Girls Everywhere - Mujeres...
114 photos

Beautiful Women and Girls Everywhere - Mujeres...
140 photos

Beautiful Women and Girls Everywhere - Mujeres...
137 photos

Mujeres Bonitas en los Estados Unidos - Beautiful...
29 photos
These sets contain photos of pretty girls and women of all ages - Estas fotos son de muchachas y mujeres de todas las edades.

Mujeres Bonitas en Bolivia - Beautiful women and...
21 photos

Mujeres Bonitas en México - Beautiful Women and...
70 photos
These sets contain photos of pretty girls and women of all ages - Estas fotos son de muchachas y mujeres de todas las edades.

Mujeres Bonitas en Guatemala - Beautiful Women...
127 photos
These sets contain photos of pretty girls and women of all ages - Estas fotos son de muchachas y mujeres de todas las edades.

Mujeres Bonitas en Honduras - Beautiful Women and...
30 photos
These sets contain photos of pretty girls and women of all ages - Estas fotos son de muchachas y mujeres de todas las edades.

Mujeres Bonitas en Nicaragua - Beautiful Women...
95 photos
These sets contain photos of pretty girls and women of all ages - Estas fotos son de muchachas y mujeres de todas las edades.

Mujeres Bonitas en Costa Rica - Beautiful Women...
2 photos
These sets contain photos of pretty girls and women of all ages - Estas fotos son de muchachas y mujeres de todas las edades.

Mujeres Bonitas en Panamá - Beautiful Women and...
60 photos
These sets contain photos of pretty girls and women of all ages - Estas fotos son de muchachas y mujeres de todas las edades.

Mujeres Bonitas en El Salvador - Beautiful Women...
53 photos

Beautiful Women and Girls in Asia - Mujeres...
131 photos
These sets contain photos of pretty girls and women of all ages - Estas fotos son de muchachas y mujeres de todas las edades.

Beautiful Women and Girls in Vietnam - Mujeres...
85 photos
These sets contain photos of pretty girls and women of all ages - Estas fotos son de muchachas y mujeres de todas las edade

Beautiful Women and Girls in Yunnan, China -...
37 photos
These sets contain photos of pretty girls and women of all ages - Estas fotos son de muchachas y mujeres de todas las edade

People's Animals - Animales de la gente
226 photos
People's animals - horses, pets, and animals closely associated with people. Animales de la gente - caballos, máscotas, y todos los animales asociados con el hombre.

Other things USA
149 photos

Panama Parques y Naturaleza
420 photos
Any help in naming things you see here or making corrections are most welcome and greatly appreciated. Cualquier ayuda para nombrar las cosas que usted ve aquí o hacer correcciones son bienvenidos...

Otras cosas de Panamá
143 photos
Other things from Panama - houses, landscapes, etc.

Otras Cosas de El Salvador - Other things from El...
43 photos

Guatemala 2007 - Cobán & alrededor
129 photos

Random Portraits 1
241 photos

Random Portraits 2
259 photos

Random Portraits 3
258 photos

Random Portraits 4
245 photos

Random Portraits 5
257 photos

Random Portraits 6
272 photos

Random Portraits 7
273 photos

Random Portraits 8
274 photos

Random Portraits 9
246 photos

Random Portraits 10
196 photos

Photo Color Art
265 photos
Just playing to make photos more interesting by adjusting colors, exposure, and so forth. Hope you enjoy them.