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User / Lou O' Bedlam / Sets / Favorites
Lou Noble / 96 items

N 210 B 16.5K C 12 E Jun 16, 2024 F Sep 3, 2024
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Back in June I went up to Portland to photograph the second annual 8 Seconds Juneteenth Rodeo. I'd heard about it the year before from a friend, spend the next 365 days figuring out how to get up in there.

I was able to score some press passes through The Photographic Journal, the original plan was to bring along another photographer, he'd take some wet plate photos, I'd do an amazing write-up of the whole thing.

Because, yes, I love taking photos, but even more, I love getting a crew together, giving other folks an opportunity to make art.

...except, in the end, he had to bail, so it was me and my girlfriend and the cameras that were light enough to travel with.

Should I have rented some kind of zoom lens? Yes. Did I understand that "no flash photography" meant my Polaroids wouldn't come out? I did not!

I was a bit tentative about the whole thing when we got there, but I started talking to folks, like I do, and quickly realized it was a very laid back affair. They let me hang right next to the animal pens, I was able to take photos of the riders as they waited for the gate to open, I got to follow them back to the dressing room as they talked to each other, broke down their rides.

I could of course do it better, now that I know what's what (and that idea may be why I go back next year, if at all possible), but it was a grand event, could feel the hyped up energy for days afterwards. And it felt good to get outside my wheelhouse, try to photograph action, emotion, engage with people right after they'd held on for dear life.

Go check out the rest of the photos over at THE PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL.

Tags:   6.16.24 8 Seconds Rodeo TPJ portland Oregon

N 86 B 19.2K C 2 E Apr 20, 2024 F Apr 23, 2024
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Tarren wanted a cool park, and maybe the beach, too.

Thus I returned to one of my favorite spots of the 2010s, the place we used to lovingly call Rattlesnake park (never saw one, but the foliage, so high, it was VERY possible).

I expected, based on my previous visit, years earlier, to see the place neatly manicured, but NO. It was wild, overgrown, the tiny dry riverbed was RAGING, the place had been returned to nature! We went in a bit, forded the river, only to find my favorite spot was unreachable, it was the land of the bees, now.

Went back a bit, ended up taking most of our photos by and IN the river, Tarren’s a real one for that, far braver than I.

Are leeches in rivers, or lakes, or…?

In any event, such a day! As Tarren is a globetrotter, bouncing from the US to Europe to New Zealand and back and back again, I have a very thin window in which to hang out with her. We had to pack it in, driving all across town, taking pictures, playing in the river, eating at the seafood place across from the beach, it was a full day!

I took several Polaroids, this was #2, couldn’t beat it, tried real hard, peaked early, what can ya do!


Tags:   4.20.24 Tarren Johnson polaroid 680 Los Angeles rattlesnake park portrait

N 82 B 18.3K C 3 E Nov 25, 2023 F Apr 25, 2024
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I basically just hope that my friends don't end up with complete losers. I set the bar low...not low enough, based on how it's worked out with some friends.

FORTUNATELY, that's not the case with Paige and Shea. I wasn't a huge fan of her previous partner, so I was fucking relieved Shea was not only Not a total drip, but was, in fact, a very cool dude.

He's an elevator repairman...in the elevator repairman union. Soon as he said that, I was done. Love every single part of that.

(I myself have been a union man since 2003, and am increasingly of the belief that only organized labor can save the U.S. ASK ME ANYTHING)

But beyond such a rad job, he treats my dear friend real good. Easy to see, anytime they're together. He's a smart man, a fun man, but most importantly, a kind man.

(and if it turns out I'm wrong, I will have no compunction about coming back and re-writing this whole thing)

Made it that much sweeter, getting to photograph them, knowing Paige had found a good one.

Tags:   11.25.23 Paige Mauriello shea polaroid 680 San Pedro portrait

N 138 B 21.6K C 2 E Dec 7, 2023 F Feb 8, 2024
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My neighborhood…it’s not the best for photos, I have come to realize. Too busy with foliage, too suburban, no nearby parks or rivers or dams or mountains. Flat…my roof, on the other hand, is a bounty I have yet to exhaust.

Just look at that sky! It’s always up there! Brought Sally up there a few times during her trip, as the clouds kept shifting, the sun kept surprising.

Coming from dreary old England, she was constantly in awe…a perfect state for portraits.

Tags:   10.28.23 Sally Reynolds mamiya c330 kodak portra 400 film los angeles

N 59 B 20.4K C 3 E Jun 2, 2023 F Jul 22, 2023
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*looks at MRI authorization* Seems like I might have possible posterior impingement syndrome in the left shoulder...so instead of surfing, I've taken to walking around the neighborhood.

Much like I did here with Mal & JJ, I walked well past where I normally would during a shoot, looking for new and different places. I like to walk before dawn, it's less populated, the stillness is soothing. I'll put on a podcast and gaze at my city with "soft eyes".

Dead end private streets I've never noticed. Buildings that take pains to hide what's inside. Front lawns expertly manicured. Lots left empty for years.

Means taking a different route every day, so I don't get lazy when it comes to looking around, but right now, the city, every building, every yard, every half-hidden backyard, it's a feast for the eyes.

Tags:   6.2.23 polaroid 680 Mal Corinne JJ Hawkins WPD23People portrait
