Art is a serious business. All 42 Glover Prize finalists in 2021 were available to the buying public, and most paintings were snapped up on opening night. So by the time I took this shot, these people were enjoying the art for its own sake, not making investment decisions. But then sometimes watching people can lead to interesting results.
Tags: Luminosity7 Nikon D850 Launceston Tasmania Australia Evandale Glover Prize 2021 Serious Business People Art Art show
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Every March at Evandale, Tasmania, Australia's premier landscape art prize show is conducted. The Glover Prize is named after "the father of Australian landscape painting", John Glover (1767-1849). I have told the story of John Glover before.
The Glover Prize usually creates some controversy, but this is to be expected with any art show that is contemporary and pushes the boundaries of a genre. I have to say, that having attended the last ten Glover Prize shows, this is easily the best in range and quality of works that I have seen. And the large crowds seemed to concur.
Tags: Luminosity7 Nikon D850 Launceston Tasmania Australia Evandale John Glover (1767-1849) Glover Prize 2021 People's Art Art show Art Artists
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Well, good news! By midday yesterday the rain stopped and the Launceston Cup meeting was run and won. For interest's sake, the winner was a New Zealand horse, "Home Before Midnight".
Like any cups day, there was more to focus on than the horses (although I'll show you shots of those over the next few days). In fact the real fun was observing the behaviour of the punters in the so-called "birdcage". There'll be plenty of fun shots of them too.
So as soon as we walked through the gates, these entertainers were there to please, with a smile and their range of jazz pieces.
Tags: Luminosity7 Nikon D850 Launceston Tasmania Australia Launceston Cup Musicians Entertainers Colourful wear Jazz
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Now those of you who go straight to the technical details (like me), will be surprised at my lens choice here. Not an ideal portrait lens, to state the obvious. In fact I had to take the shot standing quite a way back. Why?
Well, I'd just been shooting one of the races and the young bearded chap with the baseball cap in the photo grabbed me and insisted I take their portrait straight away. He was very friendly, but also insistent. Okay, I said, I'll take this photo of you and your mates and then send it to you.
So there I was with the longest portrait lens imaginable standing at least 10 metres away and taking the shot. I'm glad I did, and hope they enjoy the photo too.
Tags: Luminosity7 Nikon D850 Launceston Tasmania Australia Launceston Cup Mates Portrait enjoying a Corona or three
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I introduced you to the amazing "rags to riches" story of Mystic Journey in the first photograph posted today. She is currently Tasmania's premier racehorse. So there was a great level of expectation in the air as she and jockey Luke Currie prepared to race at Mowbray. Tomorrow I'll show you the result of this race as we bring the series to a close. It was very close.
For now though I leave you to enjoy Luke's wonderful smile (and after all he's been through that says a great deal about the person). And we get a final look from the star of the show herself, Mystic Journey.
Tags: Luminosity7 Nikon D850 Launceston Tasmania Australia Mowbray Racecourse Horse Horse racing Thoroughbred horse racing Mystic Journey Luke Currie - jockey Sunset light Twilight race meeting
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