EXPLORED September 25th, 2011
A 'Fog Ocean' View From Blackrock Summit (Central District),
Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
3 bracket shots - merged and lightly tonemapped in Photomatix Pro
The meteorological definition of fog is a cloud (stratus) which has its cloud base on or close to ground.
More specifically, the term stratus is used to describe flat, hazy, featureless clouds of low altitude varying in color from dark gray to nearly white. These clouds are essentially above ground fog formed either through the lifting of morning fog or when cold air moves at low altitudes over a region.
To truly appreciate the magnitude of a massive fog system like this is to see it firsthand. I captured some video footage because sometimes photos don't do justice - check out the video clips on YouTube if you have a spare minute.
Video Clip 1
Video Clip 2