Make: | HMD Global |
Model: | Nokia G10 |
Exposure: | 0.004 sec (1/251) |
Aperture: | f/2.2 |
ISO Speed: | 105 |
Focal Length: | 3.4 mm |
JFIFVersion: | 1.02 |
Resolution Unit: | None |
X-Resolution: | 1 |
Y-Resolution: | 1 |
Make: | HMD Global |
Model: | Nokia G10 |
Resolution Unit: | inches |
Software: | 00WW_3_390_SP13 |
YCbCr Positioning: | Centered |
Exposure: | 0.004 sec (1/251) |
Aperture: | f/2.2 |
Exposure Program: | Not Defined |
ISO Speed: | 105 |
Exif Version: | 0232 |
Date and Time (Original): | 2024:09:29 15:19:33+01:00 |
Offset Time Original: | +01:00 |
Components Configuration: | Y, Cb, Cr, - |
Metering Mode: | Center-weighted average |
Focal Length: | 3.4 mm |
User Comment: | {"capture_mode":"AutoModule","faces":[]} |
Flashpix Version: | 0100 |
Color Space: | Uncalibrated |
White Balance: | Auto |
GPS Version ID: | |
GPS Img Direction Ref: | Magnetic North |
GPS Img Direction: | 0 |
IPTCDigest: | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
XMPToolkit: | XMP Core 5.5.0 |
Date and Time (Digitized): | 2024:09:29 15:19:33+01:00 |
Creator Tool: | 00WW_3_390_SP13 |