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User / marc.barrot / Sets / Statuesque
Marc Barrot / 52 items

N 112 B 5.6K C 21 E Jul 19, 2019 F Dec 11, 2019
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… a Roman copy of an early IVth Century BCE Greek original.

Statuesque ...

Tags:   Socrate antiquity Roman shotOnIphone monochrome UK WC1B London Bloomsbury Great Russell Street British Museum portrait sculpture statue Sokrates

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… probably having foreboding thoughts about his succession.

Watch it properly @ Gallery Minimal!


Tags:   shotRAW X-T4 monochrome portrait bust marble sculpture statue UK England WC1B London Bloomsbury Great Russell Street British Museum Ancient Rome SPQR Antiquity Empire Roman Emperor Septimus Severus DSCF8130 exhibited

N 95 B 6.3K C 23 E May 27, 2019 F May 28, 2019
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… which may be a cause for concern, given his somewhat checkered reputation :-)

Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Augustus, or Antoninus on official business, lived in difficult times, and managed to grant full Roman citizenship to all free denizens of his empire, a momentous decision reaching at least a cool 30 millions, possibly more.

Granted, his motives were more likely fiscal than anything else, but still…

When in Rome
Statuesque ...

Tags:   SPQR shotOnIphone portrait sculpture monochrome Ancient Rome Antiquity Roman Italy Rome Italia 00186 Roma Piazza del Campidoglio Capitoline Museums Musei Capitolini statue marble bust Caracalla Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Augustus

N 146 B 7.3K C 29 E Jan 29, 2020 F Feb 3, 2020
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… this bronze likeness dates back to the early Twentieth Century and was erected in 1980. Old Trajan himself is not known to have ever visited his province of Britannia, much less the prosperous city of Londinium.

But he might as well, since we know next to nothing about his life. Although it has been reported he wrote an autobiography, much like Augustus and Claudius, his work if it ever existed has been lost since the Middle Ages.

Vexillationes from the legions based in Britannia as well as British based Batavian auxiliary cohorts took part in his campaigns in Dacia and Parthia, so he may have come to raise them himself, who knows…

As for the London Wall in the background, only the base stone and brick work dates back to Roman times. It was erected in the late Second Century CE, long after Trajan was gone. In his times, city walls were not deemed necessary.

Statuesque ...

Tags:   X100F monochrome portrait sculpture statue bronze UK EC3N London Tower Hill London Wall Londinium SPQR Ancient Rome Antiquity Emperor Roman Trajan Marcus Ulpius Traianus Roman Wall IMG_1441

N 152 B 6.6K C 30 E Mar 3, 2020 F Apr 3, 2020
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Statuesque ...

Tags:   X100F noiretblanc monochrome UK London Bloomsbury Great Russell Street British Museum sculpture statue portrait bust marble SPQR Rome Ancient Antiquity Marcus Aelius Aurelius Verus Emperor Roman Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius IMG_1588
