… having started a family, Priscilla is now launching her modelling career. A most accomplished vixen :-)
Tags: shotRAW X-T3 animals UK N3 London Finchley Squires Lane Pointalls Alllotments renard vulpes vulpes vixen red fox Priscilla DSCZ0209 2021 exhibited
… Priscilla is about to burglarise our neighbour’s shed.
Tags: shotRAW X-T4 animals UK N3 London Finchley Squires Lane Pointalls Allotments renard vulpes vulpes red fox vixen Priscilla DSCF5105 2021 exhibited
… just checking of course. Priscilla the red vixen is looking for an afternoon snack again.
Tags: shotRAW X-T4 animals UK N3 London Finchley Squires Lane Pointalls Allotments renard vulpes vulpes red fox vixen Priscilla DSCF5155 2021 exhibited
… are taking some time off. I wonder who is cub-sitting back in their foxhole.
Tags: shotRAW X-T4 allotment nature animals UK N3 London Finchley Squires Lane Pointalls Allotments renard vulpes vulpes red fox Jasper Priscilla DSCF5141 exhibited 2021
… for a wild fox, Priscilla is completely shameless. I keep refusing to feed her, and she keeps on asking anyway. She’s an optimist I reckon :-)
Tags: shotRAW X-T4 monochrome allotment nature animals UK N3 London Finchley Squires Lane Pointalls Allotments renard vulpes vulpes red fox Priscilla DSCF4581