Make: | Canon |
Model: | Canon EOS R |
Exposure: | 0.1 sec (1/10) |
Aperture: | f/8.0 |
ISO Speed: | 100 |
Focal Length: | 26 mm |
Lens: | EF16-35mm f/4L IS USM |
JFIFVersion: | 1.02 |
Resolution Unit: | None |
X-Resolution: | 1 |
Y-Resolution: | 1 |
Make: | Canon |
Model: | Canon EOS R |
Resolution Unit: | inches |
Software: | Adobe Lightroom 6.3.0 (Android) |
Date and Time (Modified): | 2021:08:13 07:28:15 |
YCbCr Positioning: | Centered |
Exposure: | 0.1 sec (1/10) |
Aperture: | f/8.0 |
Exposure Program: | Manual |
ISO Speed: | 100 |
Exif Version: | 0232 |
Date and Time (Original): | 2021:08:13 06:22:34 |
Components Configuration: | Y, Cb, Cr, - |
Exposure Bias: | 0 EV |
Max Aperture Value: | 4.0 |
Metering Mode: | Multi-segment |
Flash: | No Flash |
Focal Length: | 26 mm |
Sub Sec Time Original: | 09 |
Flashpix Version: | 0100 |
Color Space: | Uncalibrated |
Lens Model: | EF16-35mm f/4L IS USM |
IPTCDigest: | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
XMPToolkit: |
Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c140 79.160451, 2017/05/06-01:08:21 |
Approximate Focus Distance: | 2147483647 |
Lens: | EF16-35mm f/4L IS USM |
Serial Number: | 053021003095 |
Lens Model: | EF16-35mm f/4L IS USM |
Photographic Sensitivity: | 100 |
Date and Time (Digitized): | 2021:08:13 06:22:34.09+02:00 |
Creator Tool: | Adobe Lightroom 6.3.0 (Android) |
Rating: | 0 |