back cover of the new issues of
Y Sin Embargo No. 15
Y Sin Embargo is a completely bilingual magazine, edited by Fernando Prats
check the Y Sin Embargo Flickr group site:
The magazine also has its own website:
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The structure of Y SIN EMBARGO magazine #15, “inter-visto issue” is based on 15 interviews of ‘authors’ and 15 graphical re-readings of these interviews by other ‘authors’. The notion is “difference & repetition”.
Each interview has the same 15 questions, sent one by one (questions remain anonymous) by each of the interviewed ones.
Each interviewed author chose to answer them all or just a few.
Each interview has been graphically re-read by another 15 authors.
La estructura de Y SIN EMBARGO magazine #15, “inter-visto issue” gira alrededor de 15 entrevistas a ‘autores’ y 15 interpretaciones gráficas de estas entrevistas por otros ‘autores’. La noción que subyace y sobrevuela es la de “diferencia & repetición”.
Cada entrevista consta de las mismas 15 preguntas, aportadas anónimamente una por cada uno de los entrevistados.
Cada entrevistado ha elegido qué y de qué manera responder.
Cada entrevista ha sido re-interpretada gráficamente por otros 15 autores.
estudi prats
rivera valdez
hernán dardes
albert jordà
claudia guillen de cullen
inga melnikova
mark blurry valentine sullivan
+ txt players
mark valentine sullivan
santi balmes
pepo m.-the secret society
tomás gubitsch
dou _ ble _you
jef safi (joël-evelyñ-françois dézafit-keltz)
lucky clov
nirvana sq
rivera valdez
rosa cobos
gladys fretes
leah leone
john walford
gabriel d’iorio
alfredo de la rosa
also with kiddo & la mano invisible
+ jpg players
sabine portela
victoria espinar wali
nacho piédrola
luz godoy
sekana radovic
rui correia
dba lehane
howard duncan
leonie polah
barbara stumm
max boschini
rafael galán