dark | light :: [six word story] :: in collaboration with floebee :: [semaphores] shadows
the disappeared ones not yet born?
- for Gabriel Magri
Tags: canon art color abstract shadow asphalt pattern six word story Argentina the disappeared onesBrazil Chile los desaparecidos haphazart haphazartsquare
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dark | light :: [dictionary] :: in collaboration with floebee
re·cru·desce (rkr-ds)
intr.v. re·cru·desced, re·cru·desc·ing, re·cru·desc·es
To break out anew or come into renewed activity, as after a period of quiescence.
[Latin recrdscere, to grow raw again : re-, re- + crdscere, to get worse (from crdus, raw; see kreu- in Indo-European roots).] - recru·descence n. - recru·descent adj.
1. an outbreak of trouble or a disease after a period of quiet [Latin re- again + crudus bloody, raw]
2. the process of renewal or rebirth. — recrudescent, adj.
3. a return of something after a period of abatement; "a recrudescence of racism"; "a recrudescence of the symptoms"
Tags: canon art color abstract asphalt shadow cracks pattern Gull Lake Michigan
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