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User / marlin harms
marlin harms / 12,372 items

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Moss Landing Rd.,
Monterey Co., California

Possibly a story about why the otter crossed the road. Apparently some Southern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) had been using a culvert under this small road to go betweem the seawater on one side and the slough on the other side. At extremely high tides the culvert is capped off to limit the saltwater going into the slough. But some otters continue to go back and forth, crossing over the road instead, and in 2016 one was hit and killed by a car, which was coming off Highway One, a major traffic artery less than 200 feet away. (See car in distance at upper right.) Hence signs and a speed bump on the road just above the culvert.

And apparently, since this photo was taken, this speed bump was removed in favor of an ADA acceptable bump, which however requires less slowing. So some otter advocates are hoping for a light or more signs to alert drivers.

Tags:   otter crossing Southern Sea Otter Enhydra lutris nereis sea otter sign

N 10 B 441 C 1 E Oct 10, 2020 F Oct 10, 2020
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Hemizonia congesta subsp. luzulifolia,
Estero Bluffs State Park,
San Luis Obispo Co., California

Tags:   Hemizonia congesta subsp. luzulifolia Hayfield Tarweed Estero Bluffs

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Calidris alba,
Cayucos, CA

Even at extremely high tides the Sanderlings continue their ritual of chasing the water out to feed, then running up to avoid getting overwhelmed by the water. Here they are starting to run back out as the water recedes.

Tags:   Calidris alba sanderling

N 5 B 867 C 2 E Jul 14, 2014 F Aug 20, 2014
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Under a ledge at low tide.
Montana de Oro State Park, San Luis Obispo Co., CA

Tags:   Asterina miniata Bat Star Anthopleura sola Starburst Anemone sea star anemone

N 6 B 840 C 4 E Apr 19, 2014 F Apr 19, 2014
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Cayucos, CA

Tags:   brittle star sea star Ophiothrix spiculata Western Spiny Brittle Star Spiny Brittle Star Ophiothrix

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