My first Northern Lights photo.
-It took 18 hours of travels (thanks to 5 hours of delay from Alaska Airlines).
-I was awake for over 24 hours and the staying awake to wait for the aurora to come out was a bit of a struggle.
-Spent over an hour in -1 degree temperature.
All worthwhile for the experience of seeing and photographing the aurora for the first time.
Tags: Fairbanks Alaska United States Chena Hot Springs Aurora Northern Lights
Dog sledding in Alaska
Chena Hot Springs - Pretty incredible to hang out in 100+ degree water while it is below zero outside. The hot springs were amazing and we spend several hours in them during our trip.
Tags: Fairbanks Alaska United States Chena Hot Springs
Snow Covered Trees, Chena Hot Springs, Alaska - These trees were near the Hot Spring (where you can see the colored lights in the background) so they would get hit by the steam/mist which froze and covered them.
It's kind of how Floridians think it feels in Florida this morning.
Tags: Alaska Chena Hot Springs Travel Fairbanks United States
The very first photo I have ever taken of the Northern Lights after traveling all day to get to Alaska and staying awake late enough for it to appear. I saw the greenish glow in the sky but as soon as I saw this on the back of the camera it made me so happy.
Tags: Alaska Aurora Borealis Chena Hot Springs Northern Lights Travel Fairbanks United States