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User / Mandira2007 / Rio Grande suspension bridge in moonlight
Matt Schulze / 800 items
This old rickety bridge leads to an abandoned mining camp on the far side of the river.
When I was rafting the river a few weeks ago this spring, the river guide told me that he saw a pickup truck crossing it not to long ago. Then he informed me of the "official" nickname of the bridge among rafters: "Decapitation bridge", due to the fact that when the river runs high, rafters will have to lie flat on their backs to pass safely under it or else....
The moon and a couple of headlights from cars passing on the road behind me made up my lighting crew.

See the video of going under the bridge here:
  • Views: 2558
  • Comments: 5
  • Favorites: 26
  • Taken: Jun 30, 2017
  • Uploaded: Jul 2, 2017
  • Updated: Apr 2, 2019