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User / Mandira2007
Matt Schulze / 799 items

N 28 B 186 C 0 E Sep 17, 2024 F Sep 17, 2024
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Rain drumming on my metal roof woke me up this morning.
Instead of turning over and going back to sleep I remembered that there might be a large moon setting. It was still dark but getting lighter quickly and I rushed around getting my camera ready. Overhead it was still cloudy and a drizzle fell, but the west had started to clear. I love the moon when it turns all yellow low in the sky.
Tonight I will try for the moonrise.

Tags:   LensTagger New Mexico landscape landscapes landscape photography outside nature moonrise dusk blue hour full moon supermoon

N 53 B 408 C 6 E Sep 3, 2024 F Sep 5, 2024
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My intention was to photograph the Milky Way over the Abiquiu reservoir. But, as it's often the case, the clouds had other plans. They looked like they were going to dissipate but that wasn't so. Instead, they became denser as the evening went on.
I had not done a night shot since last year and I was determined to get one, Milky Way or not.
So I set up this composition, with a Chamisa bush in the foreground. My friend Greg had the wherewithal to bring a couple of camping chairs, so we sat out in the warm night and a slight breeze and had a good time urging the cloud to move on. Well, as evident in this photo, it was unmoved, literally, by our efforts.
I took several shots of the foreground bush during nautical twilight, some illuminated by my flashlight, some by the spillover from passing headlights. I don't know which was which anymore.
I selected the best foreground shot and combined it with the best sky shot. All in all it came out pretty nice.
The clouds are illuminated by the wastefully spilled light of the towns of EspaƱola and Los Alamos. On the other hand, that spilled light delineates the horizon nicely.

Tags:   LensTagger New Mexico Abiquiu lake night astro astro photography dusk Milky Way stars blue hour landscape landscapes outside outdoors nature

N 217 B 6.1K C 21 E Aug 9, 2024 F Sep 2, 2024
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Seen during a short visit to the red rocks of Abiquiu in Northern New Mexico.

Tags:   New Mexico Abiquiu landscape landscape photography

N 29 B 266 C 1 E Aug 24, 2024 F Aug 27, 2024
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Something I saw during my early morning walk. Late summer seems to be the time for rainbows here in New Mexico.

Tags:   New Mexico landscape landscapes landscape photography outside nature

N 39 B 333 C 2 E Jun 18, 2024 F Aug 20, 2024
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I have photographed this view a couple of times before, but never as a panorama.
The vastness of New Mexico is something that intrigues me but that I'm struggling to depict, Maybe I should get a drone?

Tags:   LensTagger New Mexico landscape landscapes landscape photography outside nature grassland range land
