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User / Mandira2007 / Sets
Matt Schulze / 57 items

73 photos
All of my images that were explored by Flickr

Day to Night Conversions
6 photos
I take images that I shot in daylight and make them look like dusk or night photos. It's a fun thing to do if you like to play around in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Santa Fe Relics
14 photos
City and County

9 photos
New Harbor City and Warehouse District

Night Sky
89 photos
New Mexico under the Stars (and a few from Arizona & Utah) One of my ongoing photo projects

Ghost Ranch/Abiquiu
34 photos
Images taken at Ghost Ranch and the Abiquiu Area One of my favorite locations

Galisteo Basin Preserve
16 photos
I keep returning to this location

Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument
6 photos
A few shots from my trip there

New Mexico Range Land
16 photos
Depicting the grasslands of New Mexico One of my ongoing photo projects

Macro, Closeup & Bokeh
38 photos
Images shot with a variety of vintage lenses

Wanted: Manmade Structures - Dead or Alive
34 photos
Buildings and Structures I find interesting, mostly photographed at dusk or at night. Also included are some abandoned subjects. One of my ongoing photo projects.

On My Land
35 photos

Roadside Photography
91 photos
Shots taken from locations where I really didn't have to walk far from the car, usually just a few steps or maybe a hundred feet or so. As you can see by the number of shots it makes up a good...

Dusk and Dawn
14 photos
Shots at dusk or dawn, mostly with clear skies

7 photos
I shoot lightning when the opportunity arises

Valley of Dreams
41 photos
One of my favorite locations

Bisti/De Na Zin Wilderness
13 photos

Ah Shi Sle Pah Wilderness Study Area
12 photos
The Ah Shi Sle Pah wilderness study area is a hard to reach location in northwestern New Mexico. Lots of driving on dirt roads, barely visible Jeep tracks and on foot following your compass. When you...

City of Rocks
7 photos

Nambe Badlands
4 photos

Plaza Blanca NM
12 photos
Shots from Plaza Blanca near Abiqui, NM

Leitz Summicron - R 50mm f 1:2
9 photos
Images taken with my Leica 50mm lens Some with a 18mm extension ring All with a Sony A7c

Leitz 135mm F 1:2.8 Elmarit
7 photos
Images taken with this lens

Zoom Nikkor 43 - 86 mm f 1:3.5
9 photos
Images taken with this lens

Nikkor - H C Auto 85mm F 1:1.8
9 photos
Images taken with this vintage lens

Nikon AF Nikkor 20mm f 1:2.8 D
4 photos
Images taken with this lens. More to come.

Nikon Nikkor 300mm f4.5
9 photos
Images taken with this telephoto lens

Pentacon Auto 50mm f 1:1.8
5 photos
Images taken with this lens

Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 1:4/200mm
20 photos
Images taken with this manual focus lens

SMC Pentax - A Zoom f 1:4 24 - 50mm
14 photos
Images taken at varying focal length within the zoom range

SMC Takumar 55mm f 1:1.8
5 photos
Images taken with this lens

Rokinon 12mm f2
17 photos
Images taken with this manual focus lens

Rokinon 16 mm f2 lens
21 photos
This is not a vintage, but a modern manual focus lens.

Tamron SP CF Macro 70-210 f 1:3.5
8 photos
Images taken with this lens

Tamron SP 35-80mm f 2.8
6 photos
Images taken with this vintage macro lens and a 2x teleconverter

Las Barrancas
4 photos

40 photos
Rivers, lakes and ocean

Light Painting
23 photos
All these images are composites in the sense that I take a shot for each part of the image that is illuminated by flashlight. All the while the camera stays fixed in the same position so that later...

Apache Ridge Rd.
36 photos
Scenes from around my house

Computer art
4 photos

29 photos
Photos of objects in the sky without landscape

Very Large Array
9 photos
The VLA in New Mexico.

Rio Grande
11 photos

Santa Fe river
2 photos

Carnival rides at night
12 photos
My exploits from a visit to the Santa Fe rodeo grounds

Four Corners Area
20 photos
Visiting archaeological sites in North Western New Mexico, Southern Colorado and Northern Arizona.

New Mexico
29 photos

Germany 2015
11 photos

Areal Shots
15 photos
Taken from the window seats of commercial airliners

Monument Valley
13 photos

Daytime Sky
11 photos
Taken from my house and around Santa Fe

39 photos
Shots from my visit in 1976 (All shot on Agfacrome 100 on an East German Praktina camera with a Carl Zeiss Jena 50mm f2.8)

India 1976/77
100 photos
All pictures taken from 1976 to 1977 All photos taken with East German made Praktina, I think it was the precursor to the Praktika. It had no built-in light meter and a wheel to advance the film. The...

22 photos
Kathmandu 1977

Poona 1979
15 photos

Duran, NM
7 photos
We had to wait for a long time at the railroad crossing in Duran, NM. So we got out of the car and took some photos of real estate nearby. We ended up winding through the crossing because the booms...

2 photos