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User / Mandira2007 / Sets / Rio Grande
Matt Schulze / 11 items

N 27 B 905 C 2 E Dec 5, 2017 F Dec 7, 2017
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N 5 B 493 C 0 E Oct 26, 2014 F May 23, 2015
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Father and son spending quality time together.

N 39 B 2.4K C 1 E Oct 22, 2019 F Oct 24, 2019
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On my way to Taos I spotted this view and a few die-hard rafters. The light was glorious and just too good to pass up.
The clear blue sky is reflecting in the Rio Grande waters turning them a beautiful aquamarine. The river is flowing lazily down the canyon now and so do the rafters and it all exudes a peaceful and calm energy.
I had just dug up my old but hardly used Pentax 24-50mm f4 manual lens. It still feels like new even though I bought it 30 years ago.
An E-mount adapter fit it on my Sony A6400 and it worked like a charm. It has a nice quality to it and I think I'll be using it more often, finally.

Tags:   New Mexico Rio Grande fall fall colors outdoor activity river

N 191 B 12.6K C 10 E Oct 25, 2019 F Oct 28, 2019
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I had to go back and forth to Taos a few times this week and managed to catch a a few last glimpses of the fall colors.
This one I saw down in Pilar from a bridge over the Rio Grande.
The sky was blue, the air was still and warm, all in all it was a glorious afternoon.

Tags:   New Mexico Rio Grande fall colors reflections autumn colors

N 17 B 786 C 0 E Jun 30, 2017 F Jul 14, 2017
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Tags:   river Rio Grande nightscape night moonlight
