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User / maurizio messa / Sets / Harzer Schmalspurbahnen
maurizio messa / 131 items

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HSB 99 5906 in ingresso a Silberhütte in testa al treno 8951 (Quedlinburg - Eisfelder Talmuhle) il 4 ottobre 2012

HSB 99 5906 working the 8951 (Quedlinburg - Eisfelder Talmuhle) arrives at Silberhütte. October 4th, 2012

Tags:   HSB Selketalbahn Br99 99 5906 Sachsen Anhalt 8951 schmalspurbahn bahn dampf germany germania mau nikond90 railroad railway steam trains treni vapore Mallet

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HSB 99 5906 in ingresso a Silberhütte in testa al treno 8951 (Quedlinburg - Eisfelder Talmuhle) il 4 ottobre 2012

HSB 99 5906 working the 8951 (Quedlinburg - Eisfelder Talmuhle) arrives at Silberhütte. October 4th, 2012

Tags:   8951 HSB Harz Germania Germany Selketalbahn Sachsen Anhalt Dampf Steam Vapore Monochrome Black&White Bianco & nero b/n b/w s/w mau Bahn Ferrovia NikonD90 Schmalspurbahn railway Railroad Treni Trains mallet Br99 99 5906

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HSB 99 5906 in partenza da Mägdesprung in testa al treno 8951 (Quedlinburg - Eisfelder Talmuhle) il 4 ottobre 2012

HSB 99 5906 working the 8951 (Quedlinburg - Eisfelder Talmuhle) leaves Mägdesprung on the 4th of October in 2012

Tags:   HSB Selketalbahn Br99 99 5906 Sachsen Anhalt 8951 schmalspurbahn bahn dampf germany germania mau nikond90 railroad railway steam trains treni vapore Mallet

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HSB 99 5906 - 8951 (Quedlinburg - Eisfelder Talmuhle) - Mägdesprung - 04.10.2012

Tags:   Harz Selketalbahn Monochrome Bahn Black&White Bianco & nero b/n b/w s/w mau Ferrovia Treni Trains railway Railroad Dampf Steam Vapore Germania Germany Sachsen Anhalt Schmalspurbahn HSB Br99 Mallet 99 5906 NikonD90 8951

N 52 B 5.0K C 3 E Oct 4, 2012 F Dec 27, 2014
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HSB 99 6001 appena giunta ad Harzgerode in testa al treno 8961 (Gernrode-Harzgerode) il 4 ottobre 2012.

HSB 99 6001 just arrived at Harzgerode hauling the 8961 (Gernrode-Harzgerode). October 4th, 2012.

Tags:   HSB Harz Selketalbahn monochrome mau bahn Black&White bianco & nero b/n b/w Br99 99 6001 Germania Germany Steam dampf Vapore schmalspurbahn treni trains railway railroad ferrovia NikonD90
