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User / Melinda Young Stuart / Sets / HOME CANNING
30 items

N 4 B 1.6K C 8 E Oct 10, 2014 F Oct 10, 2014
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. . . both from my kitchen.
I grew the rhubarb, too--but not the strawberries :-(

Tags:   jam bread baking homemade rhubarb canning canned preserved fruit endofsummer crust serrated knife kitchen cocina brod brot pain pan

N 3 B 3.3K C 24 E Jun 6, 2014 F Jun 6, 2014
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Brag time!
Homemade strawberry-rhubarb jam--I grew the (organic, of course) strawberries AND the rhubarb!
No pectin. Made the old-fashioned way--boiling it down for 40 minutes until it passed Grandmas's 'gel' test.
Thanks for looking with me.

(My windows need washing, though. . . . The intentional editor's blur in the corners hides the worst of it.)

Tags:   jam strawberry rhubarb inajar jaminajar spread homemade fruit kitchen preserves conserve nopectin oldfashioned

N 5 B 4.1K C 13 E Sep 2, 2013 F Sep 2, 2013
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I got a kick out of the mix of jars I found handy without having to go to the other building to find six alike pints. Especially satisfying are the Bonne Maman jam jars which, if you open them initially with gentle care, will again take pressure and give you a successful vacuum seal.
I uploaded this recipe two years back with the title "piquante salsa". My Presto canning booklet calls it 'zesty'.
From our garden I added purslane, fresh basil, and rustic arugula, being without fresh cilantro. The tomatoes, onions, garlic and peppers were mostly from local growers.

Tags:   zestysalsa salsa tomato peppers laborday jars pints mixedbag mystuart kitchen canning preserving summersbounty bounty harvest 2013 diptych mosaic collage fdsflickrtoys organic and gmo free food world canning , bottling and preserving

N 1 B 1.9K C 12 E Sep 2, 2013 F Sep 2, 2013
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One more look at this year's first (last?) batch of zesty tomato-onion-pepper mix w/ piquant herbs. Vacuum-packed for the larder. A fun way to spend Labor Day!

It's satisfying when they "all pop"! That's canning talk; when the seal completes itself [after the jars come out of the hot water bath], each lid makes a satisfying "pop"; you count the pops and hope for the same number as there are jars!


Tags:   homecanning canning salsa tomato pepper onion herbs garden produce harvest kitchen preserving food larder vacuum sealed keepingfood mystuart zesty 2013 summer Pop

N 4 B 2.1K C 8 E Aug 4, 2013 F Aug 6, 2013
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Mainly tomato juice and applesauce at the moment. . . Hard work, but fun and rewarding!

Tags:   organic and gmo free world Jars kitchen putting food by winter preserving Tomato juice applesauce Wooden spoons wood cooking food canning bottling quarts halfpints
