on the Mississippi. Lots of opportunities for fun in small craft, apparently. This would be great fun.
Tags: map sport river Mississippi watertrails Access 19 Quad Cities geotagged sign recreation
Overlooking the Mississippi River, on a quiet Friday. Great place/friendly people. On this stop I learned about the Quad Cities: Davenport and Bettendorf, Rock Island and Moline.
It seems that plaid shirts are the 'dress code' at Carter's! --with or without overalls. Personally, I like the overalls.
Notice the tiny squash/gourd on the left-most table. Each table had one, different colors. A nice autumn touch.
Tags: restaurant America heartland rural food local Iowa country cafe community men overalls tables chairs floor curtains lights cap menu evening supper Buffalo Davenport MississippiRiver QuadCities Carter's Carter'sCafe seat
A beautiful part of this grand river, the Mississippi.
Tags: river Mississippi tree water history Iowa Buffalo Davenport QuadCities
On the Iowa side. . . a small beach south of Davenport, a most interesting and historic area. The "Father of the Waters" is always fascinating. Mark Twain boated right past here many times in his young life.
Tags: sunset Mississippi River red golden end of the day river America water tree sky cloud Iowa Buffalo Buffalo Shores QuadCities