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User / Meteorry / Sail Amsterdam - Noordzeekanaal Velzen (Netherlands)
Perry Tak / 33,802 items
Noordzeekanaal | Velzen-Zuid 19/08/2015 10h58
Sam and Jacques were part of the crew at the ZEEEEND as well.

Sail Amsterdam
SAIL Amsterdam is a quinquennial maritime event in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Tall ships from all over the world visit the city to moor in its eastern harbour, and people can then visit the ships.
The event was organised for the first time in 1975 to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Amsterdam, under the name 'Sail Amsterdam 700'. At that time, interest in tall ships, which had sunk to a low since the 1930s when the last commercial tall ships had been built, was starting to rise. The success of Sail Amsterdam 700 led to the establishment of the Stichting Sail Amsterdam (SSA, Foundation Sail Amsterdam).
Sail is one of the largest maritime manifestations in the world, and the largest event of any kind in the Netherlands. Tens of tall ships and hundreds of other historical ships are involved. Numerous other ships and boats are present besides the participating ships, amounting to 8000 boats in the 2000 edition.
Lesser events take place during the festival, involving small sailboats, sailor choirs or re-enactments of naval battles. The Sail In or Parade of Sail on the first day attracts many other small ships, including creations like a sailing organ (with trumpet accompaniment) or a train converted to a ship. On the next to last day there is a naval pageant and on the last day the 'Sail Out'.
On the first day, the ships gather in the locks at IJmuiden for the Sail In or Parade of Sail through the North Sea Canal to Amsterdam, led by the event's flagship. The 2015 edition of SAIL Amsterdam was held from 19 August to 23 August 2015.
[ Source + more Info: Wikipedia - Sail Amsterdam
  • Views: 1139
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  • Taken: Aug 19, 2015
  • Uploaded: Aug 23, 2015
  • Updated: Aug 24, 2015