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User / Meteorry / Sets / Space Invaders CÔTE D'AZUR
Perry Tak / 36 items

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CAZ_04 [20 points]
This is the first space invader of the Côte d'Azur invasion I found and flashed. Could have been number 2 as CAZ_ 07 in Mougins has been deleted (the whole entire building it was installed on!).
Located near de Boulevard de la Croisette and one of the most popular space invaders of the Côte d'Azur on Flickr.

All my photos of CAZ_04:
CAZ_04 (Zoom in, June 2017)
CAZ_04 (Street view, June 2017)

Year of invasion: 2007

In the year 2007 Invader has invaded the entire coast of the French Rivièra. Instead of only one city he made a project of an entire region; Côte d’Azur. Spread out from La Ciotat to the Menton near the border of Italy.
The first wave consisted of 35 space invaders spread out over 24 cities with a total score of 990 points. In 2016 Invader put one invader up in Cavalaire-sur-Mer (CAZ_36) and in 2017 wave number 3 consisted another single one (CAZ_37).
Lots of them have been deleted throughout the years but there are already are about 9 space invaders re-activated.

Photo number 40000 in the Space Invader Pool

Tags:   Europe France Côte d’Azur PACA Spaceinvader Space Invaders Invader Invaderwashere Tiles Carrelage Carreaux Mur Wall Street Rue Art Art de Rue Pixels CAZ_04 Alpes-Maritime Cannes Square Mérimée Boulevard de la Croisette Rue Jean Riouffe Black and White Noir et Blanc BW Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Milestone 40000

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CAZ_04 [20 points]
This is the first space invader of the Côte d'Azur invasion I found and flashed. Could have been number 2 as CAZ_ 07 in Mougins has been deleted (the whole entire building it was installed on!).
Located near de Boulevard de la Croisette and one of the most popular space invaders of the Côte d'Azur on Flickr. "YES, REACH AND FLASH" is the message on the application FlashInvaders.

All my photos of CAZ_04:
CAZ_04 (Zoom in, June 2017)
CAZ_04 (Street view, June 2017)

Year of invasion: 2007

In the year 2007 Invader has invaded the entire coast of the French Rivièra. Instead of only one city he made a project of an entire region; Côte d’Azur. Spread out from La Ciotat to the Menton near the border of Italy.
The first wave consisted of 35 space invaders spread out over 24 cities with a total score of 990 points. In 2016 Invader put one invader up in Cavalaire-sur-Mer (CAZ_36) and in 2017 wave number 3 consisted another single one (CAZ_37).
Lots of them have been deleted throughout the years but there are already are about 9 space invaders re-activated.

Tags:   Europe France Côte d’Azur PACA Spaceinvader Space Invaders Invader Invaderwashere Mur Wall Street Rue Art Art de Rue Pixels SpaceCaz CAZ_04 Alpes-Maritime Cannes Rue Jean Riouffe Boulevard de la Croisette Square Mérimée Peugeot Cabriolet Car Voiture People Palmtrees Palmiers Boulevard Peugeot 308 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

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CAZ_03 [50 points]
A big tiled blue space invader in one of the major shopping streets in the center of Cannes. When flashing this one FlashInvader gives the message "NICE SHOT!". The sun was a bit shy during my visit to Cannes this morning.

All my photos of CAZ_03:
CAZ_03 (Zoom in, June 2017)
CAZ_03 (Street view, June 2017)

Year of invasion: 2007

In the year 2007 Invader has invaded the entire coast of the French Rivièra. Instead of only one city he made a project of an entire region; Côte d’Azur. Spread out from La Ciotat to the Menton near the border of Italy.
The first wave consisted of 35 space invaders spread out over 24 cities with a total score of 990 points. In 2016 Invader put one invader up in Cavalaire-sur-Mer (CAZ_36) and in 2017 wave number 3 consisted another single one (CAZ_37).
Lots of them have been deleted throughout the years but there are already are about 9 space invaders re-activated.

Tags:   Europe France Côte d’Azur PACA Spaceinvader Space Invaders Invader Invaderwashere Tiles Carrelage Carreaux Mur Wall Street Rue Art Art de Rue Pixels CAZ_03 Alpes-Maritime Rue d'Antibes Rue des Serbes Blue Bleu June 2017 Meteorry Cannes Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

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CAZ_03 [50 points]
A big tiled blue space invader in one of the major shopping streets in the center of Cannes. When flashing this one FlashInvader gives the message "NICE SHOT!". The sun was a bit shy during my visit to Cannes this morning.

All my photos of CAZ_03:
CAZ_03 (Zoom in, June 2017)
CAZ_03 (Street view, June 2017)

Year of invasion: 2007

In the year 2007 Invader has invaded the entire coast of the French Rivièra. Instead of only one city he made a project of an entire region; Côte d’Azur. Spread out from La Ciotat to the Menton near the border of Italy.
The first wave consisted of 35 space invaders spread out over 24 cities with a total score of 990 points. In 2016 Invader put one invader up in Cavalaire-sur-Mer (CAZ_36) and in 2017 wave number 3 consisted another single one (CAZ_37).
Lots of them have been deleted throughout the years but there are already are about 9 space invaders re-activated.

Tags:   Europe France Côte d’Azur PACA Spaceinvader Space Invaders Invader Invaderwashere Mur Wall Street Rue Art Art de Rue Pixels SpaceCaz CAZ_03 Cannes Alpes-Maritime Streetscene Sens Interdit Rue d'Antibes Rue des Serbes People Crosswalk Piétons Candid Boy Homme Guy Male Sneakers Baskets Trainers Nike Short Nike Huarache Huarache Undiz Létrier Bobbi Brown June 2017 Meteorry Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

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CAZ_08 [30 points]
The lovely hill-built medieval village Saint-Paul-de-Vence has been invaded as well as part of Invader's project of 2007 "Invasion of the Côte d'Azur". For me the third space invader I found, captured and flashed this holiday. FlashInvaders says "Yes!" when flashing this one. According to my information it is still the original and after 10 years still in good shape apart from 3 missing pixels (tiles).

All my photos of CAZ_08:
CAZ_08 (Zoom in, June 2017)
CAZ_08 (Street view, June 2017)

Year of invasion: 2007

In the year 2007 Invader has invaded the entire coast of the French Rivièra. Instead of only one city he made a project of an entire region; Côte d’Azur. Spread out from La Ciotat to the Menton near the border of Italy.
The first wave consisted of 35 space invaders spread out over 24 cities with a total score of 990 points. In 2016 Invader put one invader up in Cavalaire-sur-Mer (CAZ_36) and in 2017 wave number 3 consisted another single one (CAZ_37).
Lots of them have been deleted throughout the years but there are already are about 9 space invaders re-activated.

Tags:   Europe France Côte d’Azur PACA Spaceinvader Space Invaders Invader Invaderwashere Tiles Carrelage Carreaux Mur Wall Street Rue Art Art de Rue Pixels CAZ_08 Alpes-Maritime Saint-Paul-de-Vence Blue Bleu June 2017 Meteorry Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
