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User / michafink / Sets
Michael Fink / 47 items

74 photos

BIF - Vögel im Flug
376 photos

Turmfalke - Kestrel
53 photos

21 photos

Rotschenkel - Redshanks
40 photos

Wiesenschafstelze - Yellow Wagtail
16 photos

Baumfalke - Eurasian Hobby
10 photos

Uferschnepfe - Black-tailed Godwit
14 photos

Eisvogel - Kingfisher
103 photos

Rotmilan - Red Kite
24 photos

Seeadler - White-tailed Eagle
9 photos

Fischadler - Osprey
9 photos

Uhu - Eurasian Eagle-Owl
2 photos

Sumpfohreule - Short-eared Owl
5 photos

Neuntöter - Red-backed Shrike
17 photos

Feldlerche - Skylark
11 photos

Steinkauz - Little Owl
8 photos

25 photos

Limikolen - Wader
140 photos

Greifvögel - Bird of Prey
75 photos

Landschaft - Landscape
8 photos

Burgen, Schlößer und Ruinen
6 photos

Insekten und Spinnen - Insects and Spider
87 photos

Falken - Falcon
59 photos

Singvögel/Songbirds - Passeri
245 photos

Dragonfly - Libellen - Libellules
18 photos

Spechtvögel - Piciformes
28 photos

Reiher - Pelecaniformes
56 photos

Ibisse und Löffler - Threskiornithidae
25 photos, 1 video

Lappentaucher/Grebes - Podicipedidae
16 photos

Seeschwalben - Sterninae
10 photos

Kraniche/Cranes - Gruidae
2 photos

Hirsche - Cervidae
8 photos

Möwen - Larinae
26 photos

Amphibien - Amphibians
17 photos

Störche - Ciconiiformes
28 photos

Kormorane - Phalacrocoracidae
11 photos

Segler/Swift - Apodidae
1 photo

Fasanenartige - Phasianidae
6 photos

Hornträger - Bovidae
3 photos

Nagetiere - Rodentia
3 photos

Rabenvögel - Corvidae
38 photos

Entenvögel - Anatidae
81 photos

Hasenartige - Lagomorpha
11 photos

Blumen - Flowers - Fleurs - Flores
3 photos

Schlangen/Snakes - Serpentes
1 photo

Rallen - Rallidae
5 photos