Alien: Isolation - downsampled from 5K cinemascope, maxed settings, custom SweetFX/InjFX shaders, edited XML settings for FOV and resolution control, HUD removed in post.
Tags: Alien: Isolation The Creative Assembly Bespoke Engine 2.35:1
Alien: Isolation - downsampled from 5K cinemascope, maxed settings, custom SweetFX/InjFX shaders, XML tweaks for AR & resolution control, Duncan Harris' CE table for free camera, FOV, and manual DOF, K-putt's CE table for no HUD.
Tags: Alien: Isolation The Creative Assembly Bespoke Engine 2.35:1
Alien: Isolation - downsampled from 12MP, maxed settings, custom SweetFX/InjFX shaders, XML tweaks for IQ, AR & resolution control, Duncan Harris' CE table for post-processing, FOV, and manual DOF; K-putt's CE table for no HUD; Hattiwatt1's free camera.
Tags: Alien: Isolation The Creative Assembly Bespoke Engine
Alien: Isolation - downsampled from 5K cinemascope, maxed settings, custom SweetFX/InjFX shaders, XML tweaks for IQ, AR & resolution control, Duncan Harris' CE table for post-processing, FOV, and manual DOF; K-putt's CE table for no HUD; Hattiwatt1's free camera.
Tags: Alien: Isolation The Creative Assembly Bespoke Engine 2.35:1
Alien: Isolation - downsampled from 5K cinemascope, maxed settings, custom SweetFX/InjFX shaders, XML tweaks for IQ, AR & resolution control, Duncan Harris' CE table for post-processing, FOV, and manual DOF; K-putt's CE table for no HUD; Hattiwatt1's free camera.
Tags: Alien: Isolation The Creative Assembly Bespoke Engine 2.35:1