Plaisirs d'Hiver et marche de Noel 2016
Du 25 novembre 2016 au 1er janvier 2017 dans le centre de Bruxelles.
Les Plaisirs d'Hiver, le grand marche des fetes de fin d'annee, revient dans le centre de la Ville de Bruxelles. L'evenement s'organise sur la Grand-Place de Bruxelles et autour de la Bourse, sur la place de la Monnaie, sur la place Sainte-Catherine et sur la place du Marche aux Poissons (Vismet).
Les Plaisirs d'Hiver 2016 c'est aussi:
* un marche de Noel de plus de 200 chalets
* des animations de Noel (maneges, grande roue, ...)
* une patinoire de glace (couverte) sur la place de la Monnaie (jusqu'au dimanche 8 janvier)
* un gigantesque sapin de Noel et des animations lumineuses (sons et lumieres) sur la Grand-Place
* concert de Lost Frequencies (mercredi 30 novembre, Grand-Place)
* Impulsion: playground lumineux au pied de la Bourse
* des visites guidees
* Origami Lights: Odyssee lumineuse a travers le Japon - video mapping (Eglise Sainte-Catherine)
The banks of the canal get a change of scenery for the Bright Brussels Festival From 2 to 5 February 2017, the Bright Brussels Festival will illuminate Brussels' canal district to round off its Bright Brussels event in style. It will be a wonderful opportunity to visit the banks of the canal and marvel at original light installations. When night falls, the Bright Brussels Festival will treat visitors of all ages to a magical light show. The Bright Brussels Winter has been illuminating the area around Brussels' inner ring road since 2 December. The Brussels-Capital Region has given the initiative to coordinate the set up of monumental pieces in the heart of the capital of Europe. Today it's the Quai des Peniches' turn to dress itself up in lights thanks to 10 majestic pieces and the light parade that animates them. Artists and collectives from Belgium and abroad invest the sites and offer visitors a wonderful chance to discover the neighbourhood from a different perspective. Passers-by can admire an illuminated floating installation or giant structures inspired by organic curves.
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