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User / min' / HUA SAN
Eric Lui / 2,153 items
華山 (HUA SAN) , one of the famous mountains in CHINA. Many fictions use this amazing natural landscape as the set of their stories. One kung fu fiction master named 金庸 (JINYONG) mentioned the HUA SAN most. Inside the stories, four top kung fu experts will meet at the top of the HUA SAN once a year and will hv the "華山論劍 (SWORD CHALLENGE)" there!
JINYONG 's stories are so impressive & beautiful that the goverment of the CHINA asked him to write the words "華山論劍" on a rock on HUA SAN!

  • Views: 745
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  • Favorites: 1
  • Taken: Apr 18, 2006
  • Uploaded: Apr 20, 2006
  • Updated: Oct 25, 2008