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User / John William Hammond / Sacramento Historic Neighborhood
2,703 items
A superb example of early 20th century homes in downtown Sacramento, California. The stairs leading up to the second floor are typical of this neighborhood just a mile south of the river and levee. Much of the downtown like New Orleans is below sea level and the town was vulnerable to floods during years of heavy rainfall and heavy Sierra snow melts. This house is about a mile from the Capitol mall the centerpiece of the city. It is not all preserved as well as this beauty but there are large blocks with oak tree shade that might remind you of San Francisco, Richmond, or New Orleans. If you come to town take a few downtown strolls near southside Park or McKinley Park , Land Park or Curtis Park. They have done a good job of keeping these urban neighborhoods intack with a homey small town flavor in a metropolitan are that is now over 1 million and climbing.
  • Views: 15394
  • Comments: 3
  • Favorites: 16
  • Taken: Apr 26, 2014
  • Uploaded: Jul 27, 2014
  • Updated: Mar 19, 2019